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Star Wars news at Disney parks

Since Disney acquired the Lucasfilm franchise Expectations for the future of this most celebrated space opera continue to make headlines everywhere. In fact, discussions about new Things to do in Star Wars They have topped the list of all theme park speculation like never before. And I think the prospects of enjoying more of Star Wars in the middle of the happiest place in the world or the possibilities of visiting an entire land dedicated to the iconic Franchise that’s why they have changed the way we think about space adventures today. For the first time in the history of the Franchise, a historical expansion of this type is taking place. And with expansion plans in every possible format – movies, animations, toys, and stationery, including theme park attractions – Disney is sure to redefine the legacy of one of the world’s most beloved space operas.

However, it is also true that we have waited so long on this. More than two years have passed since Disney finalized the deal with Jorge lucas, but the anticipations that followed the Acquisition are yet to take shape in the world famous Parks. Part of the reason is that everyone is waiting for the next 2015. Star Wars sequel to take the initiative. Also based on the latest Disney reveals, and the fact that the new attractions will be based on upcoming Star Wars sequels (such as Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Spinoffs) offer reason enough for Imagineers to wait until JJ Abrams you’re ready to discuss your blockbuster plans.

Although it is still a mystery where or which of the Disney park gold Parks will have the new attractions, speculation indicates that WDW (Walt Disney World) Hollywood studios It will be one of the most sought-after locations for the next big Star Wars surprise soon. In fact, the rumor of a new Star Wars Land remains the hottest topic of discussion among Orlando theme park fans.

No matter how long you wait for it though, but given the reveals, there is definitely something that theme park fans must have this year. Tea Force awake– The first of the trilogy is slated to hit theaters in late 2015. The grand opening of the trilogy is also seen as the definitive resurgence of a genre that inspires multiple generations of fans like no other. Also, if reactions to the recent Advance You have to believe that Disney is keeping its promises. And indeed, something incredible and more interesting is taking shape there. Tea Episode VII Trailer in itself it seems to offer a lot in support of a new legend in the making.

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