
Stroke: what is it and what to do

A stroke is a serious event that prevents blood from reaching an area of ​​the brain and results in damage to that region of the brain. When a stroke occurs and symptoms last 24 hours or less and is followed by complete recovery of lost function, that episode is called a translucent ischemic attack (TIA). These episodes usually last only a few minutes and are warning signs.

Symptoms of a stroke include loss or impairment of sensation, movement, slurred speech, headaches, confusion, dizziness, visual problems, difficulty swallowing, and certain specific functions controlled by the area of ​​the brain that is damaged, such as those mentioned. above.

With a stroke, 1/3 of victims will fully recover, another 1/3 will partially lose function, and another 1/3 will not survive at all. You can recover from partial paralysis; in many cases, you can relearn how to walk; however, it is more difficult to recover from loss of intellectual functioning.

Stroke has been found to be the most common cause of neurological damage in the industrialized world. And the most common causes of strokes are a thickening of the lining of the arteries, called atherosclerosis, hypertension, also called high blood pressure, or both. Other risk factors include smoking, age, high levels of fats in the blood, the sticking of blood platelets that seems to accompany high levels of red blood cells, a recent heart attack, diabetes, nutrient deficiencies, fibrillation atrial fibrillation and a history of a damaged heart valve.

To protect yourself from a stroke, assess and address each of these issues before you can’t do anything to prevent a stroke.

It has also been found that stroke patients receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy within the first 6 hours often improve considerably shortly thereafter. And this can even help if you had a stroke years ago, it can often repair some of the damaged cells. Often these cells are not dead but inactive.

For the relief of muscle paralysis, aromatherapy can be helpful. The essential oils of rosemary, basil and lavender are supportive for this purpose. You can send a message to the spine and paralyzed body parts of the stroke patient with a liter of alcohol containing an ounce of rosemary, basil and lavender.

Change your diet to one that is natural, organic, and whole foods. The emphasis should be on onions, greens, garlic, raw fats, and fresh fruit. Also foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as freshwater fish, raw nuts and seeds, wild salmon, whole grains, fresh vegetables, broccoli, seaweed and sprouts.

Avoid semi-solid fats, fried foods and animal fats, plant sources of estrogens such as soybeans and peanuts, and limit your intake of alcoholic beverages.

To help improve lost circulation in the legs, arms, hands, and feet, use the herbs hyssop, yarrow, elderflowers, and rosemary. Rosemary, damiana lavender, and Siberian ginseng can help nourish and improve the nervous system.

The application of ice, water, steam, and hot and cold temperatures is called hydrotherapy and can be used to maintain and help restore health. These treatments include steam baths, sitz baths, full body immersion, saunas, hot and cold packs, and colonic irrigation.

The following supplements will also help with stroke prevention and recovery and are: vitamin B6, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and omega-3 fatty acids.

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