Legal Law

Survive or really alive?

How was your day today? Did he look like any other? Maybe you got up for work, came home, watched a bit of TV (okay, I’m sure there were a few meals there too!), and will soon go to bed, ready to do it all over again tomorrow. …

My question is: “How long did you really live today?”

Whether we like it or not, many of us are going through life more unconsciously than we think. The fact that we are physically awake and ‘doing things’ does not mean that we are not sleeping our lives effectively.

Michael Beckwith said, “It’s a feeling world we live in.” Ironically, however, we often go to great lengths to avoid feeling anything. With our ‘Protection Modes’ set to high, it can feel like we’re trying so hard not to feel bad, that we sacrifice any real chance of feeling good. Consciously allowing your feelings to flow could be the ticket to a richer existence.

One tip to start living more vibrantly is to do a ‘Feeling Check’ on yourself (you can do this as many times during the day as you like). Ask yourself, “How am I feeling right now?” And if the answer is not ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS, it’s time to remember that YOU are the one who creates your feelings in each moment. And with that, you can choose to feel great anytime you want.

Still, many people have given up on their deepest dreams. Whether we believe we’re not good enough, or just not worth our efforts anymore, it can be easier to slip back into semi-consciousness and just survive. It is as if we have silently suppressed all those capricious cravings we had as children, instead of being ‘reasonable’.

Laura Day in ‘The Circle’ describes our cravings as fuel. She says that when we repress our hunger, we have entered survival mode. And when this happens, we just get by. The problem is that we also stop really living.

So I challenge you to pick one thing that has been in your ‘background’, one thing you’ve been passionate about having, doing or being, and bring it to the fore once again. Notice the feelings that come to the fore just by thinking about this latent desire that has come true again. Then commit to doing something that will bring you closer to its manifestation, even if it seems like a small step.

The Law of Attraction is about thoughts and feelings. So when you begin to consciously nurture your desires, the good feelings will begin to build on top of each other: synchronicities will begin to appear, and you’ll soon find yourself believing that what you want is possible. Your life will make the subtle (well, sometimes not so subtle!) change from just surviving to a life full of meaning. And then, almost magically, heaven will no longer seem so far away.

Until next time…

With love,


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