Tours Travel

teddy bear pain cure

If you want to understand and heal your grievance, if you want to find new purpose and happiness in your life, “Teddy Bear Doctoring” is not your best option. Healing from horrible injury and loss requires much more than sticking a thermometer in a teddy bear and playing doctor.

When faced with a dire grievance, “what to do” and “how to do it” are huge questions. When you die you feel torn; you have special needs. You feel helpless and indecisive and hope is fleeting. I am so sorry for your pain and loss.

Going beyond the Teddy Bear treatment for the relief of complaints requires other, more beneficial care. Important action-oriented advice will help you work through your hurt and loss and find new peace and joy.

Find valuable support

I sincerely hope that you have the best support available from others. As you begin to work through your grief, you will find the need to seek and accept support. Additionally, you must be compassionate and true to yourself to begin nurturing your healing journey.

Reconcile your grievance and heal

Reconciling your grievance is necessary because healing is in reconciling your loss and pain. Having the courage to take care of your unique personal needs will help you discover your new self and begin a full and happy life.

Your best alpha actions

Certainly, horrible grievances and sorrows bring volatility to one’s life. Unwanted and often unexpected grievances and losses highlight how volatile your personal life can be. In order to stop grieving and start healing, the first order of personal preference should be your best alpha actions. To maximize your inner happiness, peace, and empowerment to heal, your alpha should be your preferred actions.

Your alpha actions should take you from pain and misery to happiness, peace, and a fuller life. Decide which alpha actions should take you from pain, misery, and loss to happiness, calm, and joy. Turning pain, loss, and sadness into moments of healing, one transformation breakthrough at a time, should be your true alpha challenge.

start today

“To get up every morning with the resolution to be happy is to put our own conditions on the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some wait thinking that if they hibernate that in the spring they will rise and heal. While it may be necessary for you to take a short break from your devastating grief and loss, simply waiting is not a helpful option. You must be proactive in your efforts to find new happiness. Take time today to think about all the things you think you can do to bring happiness and peace into your life. Take the time to write down the four actions or steps you could take to move to a better place in your life. Decide which of those steps you are going to take here and now.

You are stronger than you think

“When our days grow gloomy with low clouds of despair, and when our nights grow darker than a thousand midnights, let us remember that… [God] is able to come out of nowhere and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

The inner strength is often hidden. Latent within most individuals is a dormant reserve of personal power. Within you is a toolbox of strengths that has not been needed, as it is now, as you journey through uncharted and challenging new territory of injury and loss. Now is the time to delve deeper into the search for inner strength. You can if you want! Ask yourself what you can do and determine what you will do. You may surprise yourself by digging deep for help from within.

Teddy Bear care is insufficient. Seek support from all helpful and beneficial sources available. Reconciling your grievance is necessary because healing is in reconciling your loss and pain. Use your best alpha actions. Do not wait; Start today to find ways to stop hurting and start healing. You are stronger than you think; you have an inner strength that has not been needed before. Use your inner empowerment now. Important action-oriented advice will help you work through your hurt and loss and find new peace and joy. You can find a new happiness. You can understand and heal your grievance, if you want to find new purpose and happiness in your life. Remember that it depends on you; Nobody can do it for you.

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