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The 6 steps to strategic planning

If you have ever belonged and/or been involved in any organization, probably, at one time or another, you have wondered/questioned why certain actions were taken or neglected. After more than four decades of involvement, in nearly every aspect of leadership, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and mentoring thousands of actual and/or potential leaders, I have come to believe that one of the main reasons, We are Witnesses, these days, to such a dearth of true leadership, is the lack of professionally designed and implemented leadership training programs and, far too little, real, strategic planning, done right! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss the 6 essential steps to strategic planning and why this is important.

1. History/heritage: How can one proceed, in a meaningful and relevant way, unless the process begins with a full understanding and appreciation of the history and heritage of the particular group, and why/if it might be meaningful to this organization in particular? Do the stakeholders in the group feel that these factors are irreplaceable and essential to be maintained and included?

2. Strengths and weaknesses: Each group has certain strengths, as well as weaknesses, and it is prudent to effectively leverage the former, while addressing areas of weakness, in an effective, relevant, and sustainable manner! The goal should be to make the organization stronger, better, and more relevant!

3. Mission Status: Most organizations should, and many do, have mission statements as a component of their vision and reasons for being. Unfortunately, too often, they are never considered by groups, after their original formation, and to have the greatest impact, they need to be reviewed, adjusted (as necessary), and/or revised, in order to maintain the organization. relevance and sustainability!

4. Vision: One of the essential components of strategic planning must be to identify and clearly state the vital and vibrant vision (or reason for existing)! This should be, not simply, business as usual, business as usual, but rather, looking ahead, into the future, securing the potential to be, the best it can be!

5. Risks/ rewards/ needs/ options: Proceed, with an open mind, and consider viable options and alternatives, to determine which one makes the most sense, going forward! Strategies need to consider risks vs. rewards and identify which one might best address the needs and priorities of the group, in the short, medium and long term!

6. Putting it all together: Each Strategic Plan should set out a summary, where the main points are brought together, and a clear strategy, to ensure the brightest future, and the strongest group possible, and the reasoning, is included in depth.

A Strategic Plan is only meaningful if it addresses the big picture, thoroughly and in a relevant and sustainable way, focused, on the best approach, to help the organization experience consistent, quality growth and an inspiring reason. , for the people, to want to belong! Are you willing to be a meaningful leader?

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