Health Fitness

The essential Omega 3 recommendations for you

If you’re like me, you’ve been reading about essential omega 3s and you know you need them, but maybe you’re a little confused.

Here are the essential omega 3 recommendations:

1- Eat wild caught sockeye salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel or other fatty fish 2-3 times a week

2- Eat 3-5 oz of walnuts and/or flaxseeds every day

3- Include a fish oil supplement with Omega 3 fatty acids

The doctors are right, you need Omega 3 fatty acids and you probably aren’t getting enough of them. If you eat fatty fish 2-3 times a week, you may be getting the nutrients you need, but you’re exposing yourself to toxins like mercury and lead.

You can protect yourself from contaminants and get the nutrients you need by taking a quality fish oil supplement.

Why fish oil you may ask? And really, why Omega 3?

Here’s why: Your brain is made up of approximately 60% DHA fatty acids (part of the essential Omega 3s). Your brain needs these nutrients to function and without them you can become forgetful, you can be at risk of heart disease and you can develop rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few.

Fish is rich in these nutrients. In fact, it is one of the best sources of DHA. Your brain needs DHA to function at its best and keep you healthy.

Eating more fish is great for you, but you want to make sure your fish is wild-caught and toxin-free.

Some experts recommend sockeye (sockeye) salmon as the best source, as these fish have the lowest levels of contaminants.

Numerous studies have recommended fish oil supplements as an easy way to get the essential fatty acids you need and protect yourself from harmful toxins.

Get this: The Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that Omega 3 oils prevent blood clotting and regulate or even reduce blood pressure. As a result, cardiologists recommend fish oil supplements to their patients.

Other studies show that regular use of fish oil supplements improves memory, eliminates mild depression, and protects against rheumatoid arthritis.

A study from the University of California even found that participants who took these fatty acid supplements for 6 months were younger than participants who did not take them.

I could go on and on about studies showing the benefits of these essential fatty acids, but I’ll respect your time.

You may ask how much should you take? Doctors recommend 500 mg a day for the average. person or 800-1200 a day for cardiac patients.

One of the main recommendations that I have for you is to make sure that you are getting a supplement that is pure and of high quality.

For more essential omega 3 recommendations visit my website.

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