Legal Law

The mystery of Hillary Clinton’s astrological chart

As the 2008 presidential race heats up, astrologers are somewhat at a loss to make predictions because the birth dates of two of the major players: Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama are unknown. For Hillary, the two times that occur most frequently are 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Central Standard Time on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. On one chart, you have Gemini Rising, while on the other you have Scorpio Rising. The two Half Heavens, the race point at the top of the chart, are facing each other: 4th Virgo in Table 1 versus 5th Pisces in Table 2. However, the positions of the houses of the Planets are not all opposite each other in Table 2. Two graphs, so the locations of the houses should be revealing.

In general, with a questionable time of birth, I do not recommend making a quick judgment based on the rising sign. Many factors could affect the way the rising sign is expressed: planets in the first house; planets that make difficult aspects to the Ascendant itself; and the sign, the location of the house and the aspects of the ruler of the Ascendant. For example, Pluto squaring the Ascendant would give a certain scorpion tone to the outer personality, although not as obviously as Pluto conjunct the Ascendant. Uranus conjunct the Ascendant could be a type of Aquarius, in spades. A person ascending in Leo with the Sun (the ruler of Leo) in Cancer on the 12th would not necessarily register as Leonina.

In the case of Hillary Clinton, however, the differences between the two Ascendants are suggestive. The time of 8:00 pm gives Gemini rising, with Uranus in the 12th house conjunct the Ascendant. It is true that Hillary defends liberal causes, however, Uranus in conjunction with the Ascendant should indicate more rebellious or nonconformist, and with Uranus in the 12th house, her participation is likely to be counterproductive for her. The 8:00 am chart, with Mercury in Scorpio in the twelfth conjunction with the Ascendant, makes a little more sense. She is a powerful speaker, political to the core, shrewdly analyzing every move. However, her cunning is displayed too clearly, making her less than loved by some segments of the population. In any case, however, the Ascendant has a mercurial tint: Rising Gemini vs. Mercury conjunct the Ascendant, so we must remain undecided at this point.

The 12th house is extremely prominent in the 8:00 am chart, with four planets (including personal ones, the Sun, Mercury and Venus, and Chiron) in Scorpio. It is a popular misconception that 12 house types tend to fade into the background: George W. Bush also has the Sun at 12, along with Saturn. All we can say with certainty about a Sun of the 12th house is that the person’s true self is hidden from the general public. Since the 12th is traditionally the home of secret enemies and “self-destruction,” Hillary’s stellium could be relevant to the political scandals that marred the Clinton administration. The Venus-Chiron conjunction of the 12th house in Scorpio could also partly explain their apparent tolerance of Bill Clinton’s sexual flirtations. (With a completely unknown birth time, it would be difficult to tell if Pluto or Scorpio were operating on 12 – remember what I said earlier about false positives.)

Uranus is the only planet on twelfth on the 8:00 pm chart; the fifth house is prominent instead, with three planets Scorpio plus Neptune in Libra. This combination doesn’t ring true. Although former first daughter Chelsea Clinton is clearly a much loved girl, with that stellium in the fifth you would not expect an only child, but a lively brood. (Of course, not everyone with a strong fifth house has children; for example, some of these natives are creative artists or performers, and some work with children as a career.) Based on our analysis so far, I am leaning towards the 8:00 am chart.

The biggest remaining difference is the location of the triple conjunction of Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in Leo. In the 8:00 am chart, these planets are in the ninth house; on the 8:00 pm chart, they are in the 3rd. Yes, having the trio in the third house (communication and thinking) of the 8:00 pm chart might fit in with Hillary’s penetrating mind and powerful speaking ability. However, that quality could also be explained by Mercury’s 8:00 am chart on the Ascendant, closely square to Saturn and trine to the Moon. The location of this planetary trio in the ninth house on the morning chart also shows Hillary’s success in Ivy League law school and persistent activism in legislation. Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in the ninth could also represent the legal battles and even the dirty politics in which he has become embroiled, including various legal actions taken against the Clintons during their years in the White House.

Finally, to-am transits make the most sense, with Saturn transiting through the ninth house, given his highly political stance and his post in Congress over the past few years. Saturn has been cruising back and forth over that 4 degree Virgo Midheaven since October 2007, and has been running and running hard all these months. As a good test of the 8:00 am birth time, Saturn will make its last conjunction with that Midheaven around July 1, 2008.

If it’s the right table, your race for the Democratic presidential candidate should reach a decision point at that point where you prevail or resign, and if you resign, we will know if you are willing to run for vice president or not. The details I can’t predict, but when Saturn crosses one’s Midheaven, they usually get a promotion. The presidency is the promotion you expect, but the vice president is one step ahead of the senator or the first lady.

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