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The teachings of Lord Buddha and Arhatic Yoga

Lord Buddha spoke of the middle way. He spoke of moderation and balance in life. One of the stories associated with his enlightenment process tells of a time when he was meditating on the banks of a river, when a band of musicians passed by. The teacher among them, while instructing his students on the correct way to tune the veena, said “if you pull too much on the strings, they will break and if you leave them too loose, the instrument will never be able to sing.” With this statement, the meditating Buddha realized / intuited the meaning and importance of the middle way and based his teachings on it.

A simple understanding of the middle way is that the spiritual disciple must balance his physical / material life and his spiritual growth. Don’t sacrifice one at the expense of the other. Borrowing from the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, “Spirituality and materiality are like two wings of a bird. You need both to fly.”

If he Arhatic preparation The class is the first important step one takes towards their spiritual development, it can be compared to the musical instrument (the soul) that is turned on and squeezed probably for the first time, to create the correct musical note (spiritually tune in). The instrument should be well chained, not too loose, but a little tighter. Create the proper tension, allowing the real purpose of the instrument to be achieved. To create music !!! As the stringed instrument is used, it loses some of its correct tension, the proper tenacity is loosened. Tea Arhatic retreats Performed annually, it can be compared to readjusting, realigning, readjusting, rebalancing this instrument, so that you can sing the song of your soul again. It is time to remember the teachings, but more importantly, to realign the soul on its spiritual path. The energy retreats go down, help the participants to re-commit to their spiritual path. Just as a musician adjusts the tightness of instrument strings and checks each chord to create the correct note, withdrawals realign it on its way. Just as an instrument must be repeatedly checked to ensure correct sound, the disciple on the path must repeatedly realign himself. Group practices serve as an avenue for this process, and retreats are similar to the great reform.

The path for the warrior of light is not easy, but it is the only one that is acceptable to him, because it is the only real one.

“Nothing in heaven or hell, on earth or elsewhere can impede the progress of the man who has awakened to illusion, who has glimpsed reality beyond the mirage of the astral plane, and who has heard, even a only once, the bugle. call of his own soul “.

– Alice Bailey, Glamor: A Global Problem.

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