
Ultrasound Technology and Safety

A reader recently asked an interesting question:

“Can ultrasound cause hearing problems in babies? My doctor said yes. I had an ultrasound every month during my first four months of pregnancy when I lived in South America, but I haven’t had an ultrasound since I was born.” I moved to the United States. United States. Also, all pregnant women in South America have a three-dimensional ultrasound. I have not heard of that in the United States.”

There is no confirmed evidence that ultrasound causes hearing problems or has any adverse effects on the developing fetus. A poorly designed study conducted a few years ago suggested that there was a risk of babies experiencing hearing loss from ultrasound, but the way the research was conducted led many scientists to believe that the conclusions were incorrect. Since then, no other scientist has been able to find the same results. Replication is one of the hallmarks of scientific research.

Most of my practice consists of performing ultrasounds, and I believe in the value of well-done ultrasounds during pregnancy. On the other hand, no research has shown that there is a benefit to having monthly ultrasounds. I realize that parents-to-be like to see their baby ultrasound, but I can’t blame your doctor for not doing monthly ultrasounds in a healthy pregnancy.

For “low risk” pregnancies, I recommend a very comprehensive ultrasound between 16 and 20 weeks gestation (measured from the last menstrual period) to look at the baby’s anatomy and check for problems with the heart or other major organs. . I also recommend looking for the most experienced team with the best equipment in your area to do the scanning. The “team” may consist of a sonographer, or technician, who obtains the images and a sonographer, the doctor, who interprets the images. Many studies have shown that experience pays off in terms of problem detection rate; those who see a lot of problems day in and day out are more familiar with how things should or shouldn’t appear.

Many insurance companies now cover an ultrasound in uncomplicated pregnancies. Some insurance companies in our area require that ultrasound be performed only at locations accredited by independent groups. Don’t be afraid to ask if the practice that tests your baby is accredited.

As for 3-D ultrasound, it’s an exciting technological development, but not standard today. I am one of several ultrasound physicians who are working with 3-D ultrasound to determine its proper function. Three-dimensional ultrasound uses computer technology to reconstruct the ultrasound image beyond the usual thin slices that we obtain with a standard prenatal ultrasound. The images may appear to be sculptures rather than two-dimensional paintings. At this time, we consider 3-D to be something that may be useful in addition to standard imaging, but it is not a requirement for standard care.

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