Health Fitness

Vaginal Odor Cure – Remedies To Get Rid Of Smelly Vaginal Odor

Vaginal odor is one of the most embarrassing health problems a woman can have. You feel ashamed of your body and the smell makes you feel more self-conscious and less sure of yourself.

If you suffer from this bad vaginal odor, you definitely want a cure that can help eliminate and get rid of the odor permanently. For those of you who have a foul-smelling genital odor that won’t go away, try the following cures and preventative remedies:

  1. Avoid wearing tight underwear and pants that can cause vaginal sweating. Tight clothing blocks airflow to the vaginal region and can trap moisture that could cause or increase vaginal odor. Replace figure-hugging clothing with cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothing to improve air circulation.
  2. Maintain good personal hygiene by washing your vagina daily with warm water and unscented soap. Do not shower and also avoid using scented soaps or body wash as they can actually irritate your vagina and make the existing odor worse.
  3. Adding a cup of plain yogurt to your daily diet can be an effective cure for vaginal odor. Yogurt contains healthy bacteria (lactobacilli) that help prevent and treat existing bacterial infection in the vagina that may be causing vaginal odor.
  4. Another proven cure for vaginal odor is garlic. With its strong antifungal properties, garlic can help eliminate harmful bacteria in the vagina and minimize the strong odor of bad odor.
  5. Watch what you eat and drink. Cut down on sugary foods and alcohol that can increase the amount of yeast in the vagina. Drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables that contain natural antioxidant qualities (such as prunes, blueberries, oranges, bananas, spinach, and beets) that can help keep your vagina free of “bad” bacteria and eliminate vaginal odor.

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