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What contactless technology means to you

Each year, Forbes evaluates the most exciting technological developments and lists what it believes to be the most influential and powerful developments of the year. For 2013, one of the best options for device and technology development is the improvement and increased availability of contactless technology.

Contactless technology actually encompasses a large number of services and devices. In some cases, like the Motorola X, no-touch is built in through voice recognition and activation features. In others, such as the Kinect, no touch is incorporated through the body scanning and movement recognition program. Regardless, non-touch technology has made a big impact and will become more and more popular. This is what you need to know.

Body scans will become more popular

Your body is one of the most unique components of who you are, and Science Daily predicts that contactless technology will increasingly rely on body scans. This could be everything from virtual fingerprint scanning, where you don’t have to touch the screen, to the famous retina scan. It looks like this particular technology will be one of the most successful methods of blocking and securing devices from unauthorized users.

Sensitivity will be finely adjusted

Kinect and Wii are two of the most popular and well-known devices that do not use touch technology. However, at the same time, some problems have arisen when the devices are not precise enough. As anyone who has tried to play games on these devices can attest, going outside of the ideal range by even a little bit can significantly reduce game accuracy. As a result, they will most likely increase the overall sensitivity and at the same time improve the mechanisms for filtering out background noise.

Games will be the main developers

While smartphones are becoming a key location for the development of contactless technology, it looks like the gaming community will dominate this particular field. The first forays into invention came from the gaming community, and the greatest demand for these services is also from the gaming community. One of the most exciting new gadgets coming out in 2014 is the Meta SpaceGlasses. They are partially inspired by Star Trek holodeck technology and classic 3D glasses. While the developers have stated that the glasses can potentially be used for creative and analytical purposes, the primary reason for their development is gaming.

Contactless technology will increase in popularity and sophistication as they continue to refine it. It is likely to become the key to various forms of device protection and authorization. The sensitivity needs to be adjusted further. However, the market is ready for this technology. Most likely, the gaming community is the one that helps the most with the development. This is the part of the market with the greatest desire for the technology, as well as the willingness to spend the money on it. The Meta SpaceGlasses will probably also make great strides in this development.

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