
What is the cheapest and most effective way to learn to kitesurf?

I get questions from my students on a weekly basis about how to minimize the amount of hours they spend taking kite lessons. There is a simple solution. Invest in a kite trainer!

Training kites are mini power kites designed to give users the thrill of flying a kite without the need for an instructor. They’re small, safe, easy to use, cost around $ 100, and usually come with a “how-to kiteboarding DVD.” It is not necessary to have an instructor with you because these kites will not lift you 40 feet in the air. They will barely move you even in windy conditions. The idea of ​​a training kite is to provide a novice kite pilot with the opportunity to test his skills in the wind. More importantly, these kites fly very similar to their big brother (inflatable water kites for kitesurfing). So when you find out how to fly one of these training kites, this will positively affect your ability to fly a high-powered kite.

So how much do kite lessons cost? Lessons from a reputable school will generally charge between $ 65 and $ 110 / hour of instruction. And I need to clarify that a reputable school means they are insured, certified, have new equipment and a lot to choose from, have more than one instructor, and have been in business for more than a few months.

When I first learned to kitesurf, I didn’t have all the money in the world, so I flew my training kite until it got holes in it. You don’t need to fly it that long; however, I would suggest anyone honestly looking to kitesurf as a sport to spend 20 to 40 hours flying the training kite before taking a lesson. So what should I accomplish during this time? You need to fly it well enough not to hit it left and right. But the most important thing is that you must fly it with control and ease. If you have difficulty keeping the kite positioned in one place, you need to take more time to fly the kite. Focus on holding the kite at 10:00 o’clock (to your left) for 1 minute, fly it until 12:00 o’clock (directly over your head) for 1 minute, and then park at 2:00 o’clock (to your right) for 1 minute. If you can do this, you are probably ready for a lesson.

What if I have very little funds and can’t take more than 1 or 2 three hour kitesurfing lessons? What else can I do with a training kite to make learning to kitesurf less expensive? You should practice flying the kite with your eyes closed. I say this because kiteboarders who are riding on their boards do not usually look up at their kite. They know where the kite is and where the bar is placed! You can also start winding the kite with your eyes open and, if you get really good, you can close them.

Training kites are the most effective way to learn to kitesurf if you want to keep your kitesurfing costs low. And once you’re ready to experience the real deal, we’ll make sure you have a fun, safe, and unforgettable kitesurfing lesson!

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