
Why I Created All Natural Pest Control Products

If you’ve ever been to the Atlantic coastal areas of the southeastern United States, you know there are plenty of bugs. The climate is perfect for these creatures: lots of rain, humidity, and humidity along with heavily forested terrain that offers ample nesting sites. While this area offers a wonderful quality of life for people, it also provides prime locations for all kinds of pests.

We moved to Beaufort, SC in 2008 after visiting the area annually since the early 1980’s. The South Carolina Lowcountry is gorgeous with the trees covered in Spanish moss, the tides constantly moving, and I love the hot summers and wet. Really yes, give me July 25 any day of the year when I don’t need a jacket and the sun warms you to the soul.

However, the mistakes here are monumental. There are regular mosquitoes, as well as larger and more aggressive marsh mosquitoes. Here we have monstrous cockroaches affectionately referred to as ‘Palmetto Bugs’ as if a charming name could hide their grotesqueness. We have the pesky fire ants that have crawled in from South America to build huge torture mounds for unsuspecting humans or animals that dare to disrupt their activity. But probably the worst are the No-see-ems, also known as sand gnats, sand fleas, flying teeth, and many other profanity-filled words that can’t be printed. A No-see-em is practically invisible. You don’t even realize they’re around you until they start biting, and what a pain a No-see-em can inflict! They love to burrow into your hair and suddenly you have pricks all over your scalp that make humans run inside immediately!

Well, I love being outside. I wasn’t about to be drawn inside by the myriad of pests, so upon our arrival, we set out to find a solution for the bugs…and Greenbug was born.

After researching for about 20 minutes, it became clear that traditional pesticides are dangerous. The active ingredients are known causative factors for diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, Parkinson’s and ADHD. They are synthetic (not natural) neurotoxins that are poisonous to pests…but are also equally poisonous to humans, animals, and the environment.

After minimal further investigation, it is clear that these poisonous neurotoxins have infiltrated our planet to such an extent that we now have a huge increase in the diseases mentioned above. Hmm… neurotoxic pesticides affect the nervous system of insects as well as humans, leading to neurological disease. Not good.

Greenbug was started to offer alternative pest control products to traditional synthetic chemical pesticides. For being out on the South Carolina coast in July without bugs, without spraying the environment or your body with toxic pesticides, we have Greenbug to thank! Necessity is the mother of invention, so Greenbug creates a barrier against insects and humans can enjoy the outdoors.

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