Lifestyle Fashion

Why the New Testament is a sexist document

The purpose of the New Testament, which was written by the Catholic Church (through Jerome) is to defend the power of men. At the time it was written, Roman emperors required religious backing to ‘forgive’ their crimes. Constantine, who established the Catholic Church, was no exception. He murdered millions upon thousands with his army, including his son Crispus, his wife Faust, and many members of his family.

The Church is based on the Islamic tradition, which was practiced in most of the Empire. That’s because the Romans were descended from the Amor, who built Rome (Reverse Amor) and were the people of Babylon, the original home of Islam.

It was in that city that the roots of all religions are found in association with the cult of the sun. It was also the capital of the Persian Empire and spread its tentacles across the known world. Like the Romans, they continued to build their empire until it became so large and culturally diverse that it took five emperors to lead it.

Constantine was the son of one of them, Constantius, and he ruled Great Britain. His contemporaries (quoting Sozoman) said that he had a plan in mind when his father died that led to his unique rule and the Catholic religion. He formed it 1 year after the assassination of Crispus. Some said he needed forgiveness for his peace of mind, though no one knows for sure.

Years later, the then bishop of Rome, Damasis, ordered Jerome to produce a book for all branches and dioceses to follow. The preachers were confused, mainly by the Trinity, on which Constantine had designed his religion.

As the ‘doctor’ of the church, he compiled the New Testament and left notes in his journals about how he came up with the stories. He also wrote about how he altered the Septuagint to ‘roll back’ passages that added credibility to his work, such as the birth of Christ.

It is because of these tricks that the religion was accepted and the roots in Islam were hidden. Since women are not given power and until recently were prohibited from holding office or other things, one can easily see the influence of Islam in Western societies.

The New Testament is by design and content a sexist document that champions the power of men and, in particular, those in leadership roles. For a long time, women were not credited with having souls and their purpose in life was to serve the opposite sex.

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