
East Ascot

Roy Richwine purchased the property now known as Williams Grove Speedway in 1937. It was previously known as Grangers Picnic Fairgrounds. The first race was held on May 21, 1939. Joey Chitwood Sr set the fastest time that day by finishing a lap in 26.03 seconds. Tommy Hinnershitz won the forty lap feature, earning $400. […]

Digital Marketing

Speed ​​reading techniques: the problems caused by visual regression and how to eliminate them

Visual regression is a common problem among readers. It can slow down your reading speed and cause numerous comprehension problems. Many people have visual regression without realizing it. Fortunately, it’s an easy problem to fix. This article will explain visual regression and its problems, and provide you with an easy solution that you can put […]

Legal Law

Patient rights: list of the ten most violated

INTRODUCTION Patients’ rights are under siege, as evidenced by a recent survey conducted by the National Institute for Patients’ Rights (NIPR). NIPR staff compiled the results based on responses from 1,000 randomly selected patients who participated in the study. The survey results show that despite billions spent on advances in medical technology, patients experience an […]