
Tips and ideas for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is near, what are you planning to do for your loved one? I know you’ve read somewhere on the internet that you should surprise your loved one by making your date creative, interesting, plan well, and have a sense of humor while doing all of the above.

But what many people want to know about Valentine’s Day tips is, which gifts to choose? What ideas should you have to make for your surprises?

Here are 5 gift tips for women for men:

1. High Tech Gadgets and Toys: These gift suggestions are suitable for 80% of the men in the world! Get him some toys like Robo Sapien Robot, Paint Ball Kit, iPod. Pocket PC, MP3 players…etc.

2. Car Accessories – Are your men a fan of cars? Pick up a car magazine at your nearest bookstore and start looking for tips on buying the best car accessories. This works only for men who are obsessed with cars, so get to know your men.

3. Computer Parts – Just like men who love high-tech gadgets, there are up to 80% of men who love computers, you can tell when men start lecturing on their geeky hobby of computers. Get ideas from computer magazine and shop for the perfect computer upgrade parts as a gift.

4. Clothing – Some men have special taste in clothing. Forget the tie, get your man a fancy shirt, I’m sure he has plenty of ties to match.

5. Perfume: If your man has more clothes than you, giving him perfume will be a good idea.

Here are 5 gift tips for men to women:

1. Write a personalized love letter or poem: There are no shortcuts; spend some time creating words from the bottom of your heart. I’m sure you can if you REALLY love her that much. And please don’t copy from elsewhere, dumb blonde may not be so dumb nowadays.

2. Flowers match cards, chocolates or jewelry. Some experts might say that giving them away can show you’re predictable. But without a doubt, women still love the men who give them these gifts, every woman loves the attention of men.

3. Romantic Dinner – If you want to become a romantic Valentine’s Day Romeo, plan a romantic evening having dinner with your lady.

4. Lingerie: This works best only IF you’re really close to her. Don’t give your lady lingerie for knowing her 3 days. Also, giving only lingerie can seem like an invitation for sex, and this will disappoint her into thinking that all you have on your mind is SEX.

5. The best gift, combine all of the above: a love letter in a card with roses and a romantic dinner. Remember to use your creativity, as there are many men who could be doing the same. For example, giving chocolate dipped strawberries instead of just chocolates or choosing the best bottle of red wine can be interesting to start your pleasant evening.

Okay, enough for the presents. How about some ideas for Valentine’s? How to keep a Valentine’s date interesting? Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Prepare a romantic dinner yourself, I’m talking about DIY. You can easily pick up any cookbook at your nearest bookstore or just buy any e-cookbook online. Then choose the best 5 from hundreds of recipes, from fine cuisine to exotic drinks.

2. Plan romantic activities, start from dinner to dancing, then end the night with a wonderful love story. It can be done in your own home or just go out and have fun.

3. Do something special like in the movie, have a romantic picnic on the beach, on a boat, on a plane (if you are rich enough), on a roof, ride a horse to dinner, use trained animals to pass your gifts on.

I’m sure by now you have tons of creative ideas in mind. Don’t be afraid to try new things, it’s Valentine’s Day!

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