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7 Hot Jewelry Styles to Create Sex Appeal

It’s okay, ladies. It’s no surprise that jewelry enhances our beauty, adds a unique spark to the simplest of outfits, and is fun to wear. But have you realized that jewelry can actually increase your natural sex appeal and get you noticed by the man you’d love to meet or the man you’re already with? Read on for Harmony’s 7 Best Sexy Jewelry Styles. Enjoy!

1. Compliment your eye color! This is the oldest trick in the book for good reason, it absolutely works. Many women are surprised to discover how the right earrings or necklace in a flattering shade makes their eye color so much more intense and captivating, without the need for mascara. Brown, hazel, blue or green, you can enhance your look by choosing a gemstone that matches or is close to your natural eye color, plus the sparkle will match the sparkle in your eyes and really make them pop. Try it.

2. The lariat necklace. Ladies looking to accentuate their “assets” are encouraged to consider the ever-sexy lariat necklace. My boyfriend calls the bow the “cleavage enhancer” and indeed it is. Basically a long, skinny necklace with no clasp (or a very small one), it simply “ties” around the neck and is usually quite long for maximum versatility, movement, and charm. Tie it short, wear it long or double it… there’s a casual elegance to a necklace that simply knots and ties. Easy on, easy off as they say! Maybe some might notice the confident, classy yet naughty strap-on effect, hmmm? The lariat style is best displayed with a simple “v” neckline and is sometimes worn inside clothing where it “disappears” between the curves of the breasts or low back – so bold and sexy! A bow looks good paired with a statement bracelet and simple earrings. Keep the rest of your jewelry low-key and complementary to avoid the “too much” effect. The neck, collarbones and décolleté is one of the most attractive areas of a woman of any age or size. With a long, sexy drape of sparkling chain, shimmering gemstones, and lustrous pearls, who can resist an admiring glance? Don’t say we didn’t warn you…

3. Long dangling earrings. Beautiful and alluring earrings are the most effective accessory out there, hands down. Earrings are the “fishing lures” of the jewelry world, except you’re the prey! The right pair (at least 1.5″ or longer) will not only frame your face with sparkle, color and movement, but can also draw and captivate admiring eyes. Sinuous silver or gold chains with sparkling gemstones and lustrous pearls will rock. when you do, and bring the focus to your eyes and face.Dangling earrings look equally good with long or short hairstyles.I also love bobbing styles on all ages, from teens to grandmas.Lots of women say “I can’t wear earrings.” long because ___” fill in excuse or personal contempt here, in my stores I’ve heard them all! Why limit yourself if it looks great? It’s simply a proven fact that longer earrings can flatter a round face, elongate a short neck, make more style.youthful, fun and feminine, while creating a finishing touch to even the most basic daring and try a pair longer than normal, just make sure they are light enough for a comfortable and flattering appearance.

4. Do you have good stems? Wear an ankle bracelet! When a woman walks into my store looking for an anklet, it’s very likely that she is accompanied by her boyfriend or husband, or at least he encouraged the idea of ​​her from her home. I can only gather from my very unscientific observations that many men find the anklet quite captivating on the right girl. Perhaps a woman wearing an anklet communicates her sensuality and her appreciation throughout her body? Hmmm… I find anklets most comfortable if they aren’t too tight and fall below the ankle bone, but try one on to see what you prefer. If you have great legs and cute ankles, this fun accessory might be for you! Subtle yet sexy, it accentuates and draws attention to big games while being the perfect complement to summer sandals and leg-baring styles.

5. Toe rings: I know, I know. A ring on the toe? I grew up in Hawaii and there you will find plenty of toe rings adorning everyone from teenage surfers to my own goddess looking mother, I kid you not. Because? Because this is a sensual accent that communicates attention to an important part of our body, and people notice it. To truly appreciate this fun aspect, one has to like feet. For the best effect, it doesn’t hurt to keep your pedicure in good shape. If your man thinks you have sexy feet, he’ll try a toe ring and see if he sparks. Simple, thin bands are the most comfortable, especially in anything but flip-flops. They all come with a split opening under the toe box for fit and fit. Just make sure it doesn’t pinch! A shimmering toe ring will highlight a sexy arch and pretty toes, and is a convincing invitation for your man to give you a foot massage with scented oil. Just an idea…

6. Belly button piercing, accessorized of course! Ok, I admit… this is a look I just haven’t committed to. It’s not that it isn’t super sexy on certain women with appropriately taut, tanned, fabulous midsections, or that men don’t find a shiny belly button tremendously seductive. I just don’t want a permanent hole, decorated or not, in that part of my body. It’s just personal. Anyway, most of my hot friends have one, and they seem to like it very well. I also don’t hear their boyfriends and husbands complaining. A sexy, feminine belly is beautifully enhanced with belly button jewelry, and it can be so much fun to decorate it in a variety of imaginative ways. Precious stones, chains, rhinestones are good for the right girl. You know who you are!

7. Belly chain. Ok, you’re one of those women who likes their abs and waist. We’re really happy for you, really. Or you’ve unleashed your inner belly dancer – we salute you by embracing your feminine charms! And to be completely honest, it looks super sexy when a curvy and fit woman drapes a dainty, shiny chain around her hips… especially on the beach and in all the hot, tropical destinations where the outfit that leaves the uncovered abdomen looks better. If you try this sex goddess look, make sure it’s not too tight…belly chains shouldn’t create a “muffin top.” Look for one with an adjustable pendant at the end for a good fit. Sometimes a lariat necklace (especially one with a small clasp) can double as a belly chain and do double duty. Those who work this look report being pleasantly “turned on” by the constant rustle of the chain around their waist. Did we mention that men find belly chains extremely hot?

How to keep your jewelry sexy and attractive and not vulgar? Try to only wear one fabulous piece of jewelry at a time, and keep the rest of your jewelry and accessories to a minimum. Keep the items you wear as more of an accent to the main event. A look that is too busy and crowded will say “trying too hard” and will overshadow and distract you. One tried and true method is to stand in front of the mirror and remove an accessory or two before going out. Take off your belt, bracelet or scarf, or downsize a piece of jewelry to a simpler version. A woman is sexiest when she holds herself with confidence and moves with ease. If she is comfortable (such as unable to sit up and move and do day or night activities), she probably looks fine too. If you’re not sure, ask a friend whose style and positive opinion she trusts, but don’t ask anyone with serious negative body issues, they’ll just rain down on her parade.

Keep in mind that in order to truly express your sexy and sensual self, it is sometimes necessary to go beyond what you think is possible and acceptable for your own style. Learn to let go of what you think “looks good” on you, which is usually a code for what is “safe and boring.” Honestly, I see more women err on the side of being too conservative and limited in style than too flashy and overly embellished. If you listen to yourself, start any sentence with “I can’t wear X because I’m too Y…” or “I’m too (old, young, tall, short, fat, skinny, etc.) to wear this… “You’re probably dealing with an unnecessary (and completely false) limitation that you’re just creating. What if you tried something different, just once? Be adventurous and expand your comfort zone. A woman who is open to new ideas also exudes confidence and THAT is sexy. Trying a fresh and attractive style is sexy! Wearing something nice that you like is sexy! Jewelry doesn’t have to be expensive to stimulate your pleasure, it just needs to enhance and accentuate what you already have going for it (beautiful eyes, a lovely cleavage, curvaceous waist, supple legs) and bring a bit of sparkle and cheer to your life. . What are you waiting for?

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