Health Fitness

A Brief History of the Elliptical Trainer

Before the elliptical trainer was created, the top rated training or training machines used to be the cross country machines made more famous by Nordic Track.

The elliptical trainer was designed to most naturally emulate the movement of the leg, including its range of motion, and more importantly, provide upper body exercise at the same time. Because it has been designed in these areas, it will give its user a much more intense, complete and satisfying workout.

The elliptical trainer will give you a full body workout. It does this by exercising more body parts at once than almost any other exercise machine, and it does it all without putting stress on your joints, especially those in your legs and hips. The workout is very aerobic, as already mentioned, much like the workout you’d get cross-country skiing down a continuous slope. Think of a climber and you will get the idea.

Treadmill running was and still is quite popular, but it can contribute to impact injuries that you may be trying to overcome or avoid in the first place. Because the elliptical is so low-impact, it’s popular as a treadmill replacement.

These machines are very popular with women trying to lose weight or tone up. They provide a full-body workout, burn calories, and are low-impact; that’s why women choose them over other exercise equipment. The wide range of motion, the different levels of resistance (which can be varied while using the machine in motion) make it a great choice for women with these goals. Other machines, such as cross-country training machines and treadmills, can’t even come close to providing the benefits of ease of use and adaptability to direct, on-the-go input from users.

For those who want to achieve specific calorie burning goals, the elliptical machine is the way to go. In general, most experts agree that the more you weigh, the more calories you’ll burn using an elliptical. Because of this, there is no set amount of calories that a group of users will use on the same machine. It all comes down to a number of different factors. The weight of the users, the chosen difficulty settings, the proper use and the intensity of the training of the users. Resistance levels can be changed while on the go.

Sales of the elliptical trainer have increased as people who normally jog or walk to lose calories switch to these machines. Most explain that the reason for the change is that they get better results with the same input time and that the exercise is easier and safer to perform on these machines.

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