
AyurCold – The Ayurvedic answer to the common cold and flu

We all suffer from the common cold and/or the flu from time to time. Ayurveda has discovered the solution for reducing the frequent occurrence of colds and flu in an individual by first clearing the bronchi of these wastes. AyurCold is the perfect Ayurvedic answer to all common cold and flu related problems. The common cold and different types of flu are some of the most frequent health problems in the world.

Dust, global warming, climate changes, dirt, environmental pollution, chemicals, and many others, as well as unhealthy eating habits, are the main causes of many health problems in our modern world. The common cold and flu, according to Ayurveda, are the result of Kapha, the waste matter that accumulates in the bronchi of the body.

Conventional medicine offers a variety of cures for the common cold, but none that are natural. Also, all these so-called cures have their various side effects. What is needed is effective protection against cold and cough germs; a medicine that decongests the nasal passages and keeps you safe throughout the year.

For this purpose, a natural Ayurvedic herbal formula known as AyurCold has been developed. It gives you protection against infections and strengthens your immune system. Its concentration of immunoprotective herbs helps keep colds and flu at bay. The supplement works at the central cellular level, providing robust and natural protection.

AyurCold Benefits:

  • Powerful Ayurvedic herbs strengthen the immune system.
  • Herbal extracts decongest the nasal passages
  • Eliminates the feeling of chest discomfort.
  • Eliminates cold and cough almost instantly.
  • Helps relieve sore throat.
  • Eliminates muscle and joint pain
  • Helps eliminate headaches.
  • Eliminates symptoms of viral infection and reinforces robust health
  • Strengthens your immune system so the frequency of colds and flus decreases
  • Calms the airways
  • Cleans the bronchial cavities and improves oxygen intake.

AyurCold is a proprietary blend that works on your hormonal balance and increases immune responsiveness. When the immune system is weak, it is susceptible to a variety of illnesses including cough, cold and flu, so this Ayurvedic remedy is geared towards improving and strengthening the immune system.

You may want to consider having this Ayurvedic formula available before flu season hits. It can be used before the onset of symptoms, but especially if you are experiencing congestion, sore throat, chest discomfort, fever, tiredness, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and cough. The herbs present in this are so effective that people in India have been using them for the last 5000 years. Being natural, non-toxic and highly effective, this supplement eliminates your dependency on Western cold and flu relief medications.

It is advisable to take two tablets a day if you suffer from flu and/or colds very frequently. If your body is susceptible to a cold or flu, then you should not wait until you are sick to start taking this supplement. In such a case, feel confident that it is safe to start taking the remedy well before cold/flu season arrives to boost your immunity and prepare your body to fight, or better deal with, the cold and/or flu. For best results, one should also follow the lifestyle guidance provided by the Ayurvedic doctor while taking AyurCold or any other Ayurvedic remedy.

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