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A Rough Guide to Time Lapse Photography

What is the time lapse?

Timelapse is where a camera captures a series of images at a predetermined frame rate, most commonly used to show slowly evolving scenes. For example, this method could be used to show the movement of clouds or sunsets at a faster rate than what would be seen in a natural setting. Sequences are becoming more and more common in television shows such as news, nature shows, and title sequences.

The time span allows subtle processes that are normally impossible to notice to the human eye to be displayed at significantly higher speeds, allowing the viewer to see an event that could take place over days, weeks, months, or even years in a matter of time. seconds or minutes.

For example, one of the most common uses of time-lapse is in nature shows, where you see flowers opening and plants emerging from the ground at an incredibly fast rate. Even the annual change of the seasons can be documented and reproduced in seconds.

How to create time lapse footage

The process of recording footage is simple in theory. Basically you find a place to shoot the desired scene from, set a speed for the camera to record, that is, one frame per second / minute / hour, and let the camera run for as long as it takes. Getting the technique right can be difficult, but as with everything, practice makes perfect.

Aside from a camera, there are a few other important tools required to make this possible:

A tripod, so that the camera remains stable.

An intervalometer: to control the camera’s frame rate. Generally, this equipment will not come with a camera and must be purchased separately, although some modern digital cameras have built-in functionality.

Quality video editing software.

In addition to the tools listed above, there are a few key things to consider:

Take test shots – Once you’ve found an ideal position to shoot from, take a test run to see if there are any unforeseen influences on the camera or angle of view.

Record in a suitable format; Depending on the software used to edit the video, different types of files may be required. Look at this beforehand, as you don’t want to waste a day shooting only to find that your computer can’t handle the images you’ve captured.

Batteries: The time span may require a much longer battery life than normal camera work, due to the long periods of time the camera will be in use. Check the life of the chamber before you start any time-lapse work and pack in all the juice you need.

Memory – Some interval jobs can consume a lot of memory and fill a memory card very quickly. Bring a spare or make sure your current memory card is up to scratch.

What camera should I use?

Many types of cameras are suitable for time-lapse photography, but modern digital cameras are great for the job. The ideal camera will be small, robust, and preferably have the ability to shoot in HD. Action sports cameras like Drift HD and GoPro HD2 are perfect for the task. Designed for shooting in an action-packed environment, these cameras are rugged enough for almost any time-lapse project.

The time span can be a very long and time consuming process and often a workday will produce only a few seconds of footage. But when this technique is used to its fullest, the results can be remarkable. It’s worth the initial hard work of the trial and error phase, just so you can get to a place where you can produce great images. As difficult as it may be to get it right, this style of photography can be an incredibly rewarding art form.

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