Health Fitness

Get bigger, faster and stronger to fight with preseason weightlifting

If you take the entire summer off, a good preseason wrestling training program can make up for lost time very easily. The idea is to present yourself to the first practice already in excellent shape, but bigger, faster and stronger than last year. With the right program, all of this is possible. The best way to ensure that all attributes are covered is to establish a program that pays attention to micro and macro cycles of training. The micro cycle of training is your weekly program. An excellent division to use is weight lifting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; wrestling practice Tuesdays and Thursdays, no practice on the weekend. Plan weightlifting sessions to focus on strength / power, strength conditioning, and speed / explosiveness. Plan the macro training cycle as a gradient that builds sheer power and size with weights only at the beginning and end in speed movements and explosive strength exercises specifically related to wrestling and cardiovascular work. This way, the wrestlers will have time to build muscle strength early on, but will also have their agility, speed and lungs ready when the season begins.

If you have 12 weeks to work, divide the macro cycle into thirds. The first four weeks are primarily for strength and power, the second four weeks for strength conditioning, and the last 4 weeks leading up to the season should focus on speed, explosiveness, and cardiovascular work. While every four weeks you will be targeting a specific attribute, they shouldn’t be doing it entirely. For example, during the power cycle, a small percentage of exercises should also cover strength, endurance, speed, and explosiveness. During the strength, endurance, and speed phases, include one or more exercises each week to boost power as well. If you don’t do this, you will lose some of your hard-earned strength at the beginning of your program when you reach the end while you focus on speed and cardio readiness for the mat. A good preseason training program must be well balanced to get the maximum benefit from all trained attributes.

When setting up the power cycle for your program, make one day for the lower body, one day for the upper body, and a third day devoted entirely to core strength and posterior chain development. For lower and upper body days, choose a heavy compound movement for your first lift, keeping reps below 5. Use spotters to keep your weight lifting as safe as possible, however you should push yourself under weights heavy if you want to get stronger. Keep records of the lifts you perform in less than 3 repetitions and repeat the same exercise at least once throughout the cycle to try to overcome your previous number. Accomplishing this will guarantee strength gains. After the first main lift, choose accessory exercises to target the muscle groups that were just used in the main lift. For example, if you have just done a bench, 1-2 accessory muscle group lifts should be performed in the following order of importance for the main lift; triceps, lats and shoulders. If you are just squatting or deadlifting, perform 1-2 accessory lifts for muscle groups, including hamstrings, lower back, hips, quads, and abs. Do no more than 4-5 accessory lifts total and keep reps in the 8-12 range.

Strength conditioning is a type of hardening training that all wrestlers and wrestlers will benefit from. It consists of performing movements composed of multiple extensions for repetitions, for example, power clean, clean and press, overhead squats, etc. Weight lifting exercises at super or giant levels with moderate weights also work very well. The point is to develop an enhanced type of cardio while lifting weights. This type of training is excellent for the wrestler or wrestler who must tense their muscles and perform a variety of positions for an extended period of time (2 minute periods, 5 minute rounds, etc.). In the strength conditioning phase, an example of this type of lower body workout would first include a power move, squats for 3-4 sets of 3 reps. This is to maintain the strength of the athlete. Next, cleanse the energy for 3 sets of 8, kettle bell rocking for 3 sets of 1 minute, lift the weight off your back for 3 sets of 12-15 reps, and finally 50-75 feet. sprints at the end.

An example of strength conditioning training for the upper body would start with a heavy compound movement first; Floor press for 3-4 sets of 2 reps. Good accessory lifts to follow would be close-grip pushups for 3-4 sets of 15 reps to failure, clean hanging and pressing for 3 sets of 6-8 reps, and heavy pull-ups to failure. Grip training can also be done at the end of upper body sessions and / or at the end of the week as the last exercises. As the strength conditioning phase progresses, switch to exercises that are more related to wrestling and will work your entire body. Some examples are carrying and throwing grip dummies, training with sandbags, pulling sleds, and practicing shooting with a weighted vest. Exercises that mimic the events seen in strongman competition are also great to implement during a strength conditioning phase. These include flipping tires, farmer walking, deadlifting and cleaning with an axle bar, and carrying heavy weights throughout the distance. If you have pulling harnesses, pulling vehicles on a flat surface for a while is excellent work for both your lungs and your legs.

Finally, do the last 3-4 weeks of your preseason wrestling training emphasizing speed, explosiveness, and building cardiovascular conditioning for the upcoming season. For at least the last three weeks, just before the season begins, lighten the weight of the first heavy movement of the compound to 40% or less. Perform 6-10 sets of 2-3 reps as fast and explosive as possible. The best exercises for this are the box squat, bench press, and deadlift, however, perform only single reps with the deadlift. Follow up with strength conditioning accessories like cleanings, kettle bells, sledding, and strongman exercises. Finish off your speed weightlifting session with plyometric box jumps, depth jumps, drop jumps, throws against band resistance, and short sprints. During the last 3-4 weeks of speed training, add 2-4 sessions of cardio to your week building in time as the weeks progress. For example, week one do three 30-minute cardio sessions, week two do three 45-minute cardio sessions, and week three do 3-4 cardio sessions lasting 45 minutes to an hour each. Take the week straight before the wrestling season begins without doing any training for a complete break.

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