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Get from a Google rating of 88 to 100

Dear reader,

Page title also known as H1 header of a blog – This is the title of the Blog and it must not exceed 60 characters, which is the maximum accepted by the main search engines. However, it is highly recommended to keep it to around 55 characters. Your site title (H1 heading) should be specific and target short tail keywords, maybe around 3 are suggestable. Make your title easy to remember and target a specific need within your niche. But most importantly, remember to offer a solution within your content.

Post titles are also known as H2 headings of a blog – Every blog post title should be an H2 heading, and this is where one should target long-tail keywords. Typically around 3 keywords used together to form a catchy title. Remember that neither your site nor the title of the publication should be promotional in nature, but informational indicating what to expect.

meta description – The Meta Description of a Blog should contain the best description of what the Blog is about. Tell your visitor what to expect and what type of content they will be accessing. The meta description should not exceed 160 characters, but as with the site title, a smaller number is suggested. Keep the meta description to around 155 characters to be safe.

target keywords – This is where it gets a bit more interesting, because Google no longer accepts Meta Keywords. In fact, the presence of Meta Keywords will considerably lower your Google ranking.

broken links – You should frequently check for broken links within page URLs. These are post, page and comment links. This is also why a spam blocker for your blog is important, and the best way to do that is with a spam blocker plugin.

Underscores in links – Underscores in links can also be called SEO unfriendly characters in page URLs. These include any special characters you have to enter using the shift key on your keyboard. Always make sure that both the page URL and the post URL do not contain any of these special characters.

Inline CSS Styles – Inline CSS styles are inside the HTML code of the images. There are now thousands of sites on the Internet where you can download high-quality, royalty-free images. (Simply search your browser for the search phrase “royalty-free images”) My research has shown that these inline CSS styles are less common on real camera images. However, designer or edited images rarely don’t have CSS styles inline and that’s where you need to be a bit more careful. But there is another “trick” with Inline CSS Styles.

When an image contains inline CSS styles and is used as a featured image in a blog post, it will not interfere with the site’s Google rating. When images are used as header or background images, this is when the site’s Google rating will be affected.

favorites icon – Having only one favicon can increase a blog’s Google rating by 10 – 15%. A favicon is generally an image of preferably 200 x 200 pixels. A good logo works well, and this is also the image that will be used if you decide to create an app. For example, when you open WordPress, the little blue “W” appears in the window tab at the top. That is the site’s favicon and when there is no favicon it will usually show up as a small page image with a folded corner.

WWW redirect – The www section of your site link should redirect to the main domain. In other words, the URLs will be http://www(dot)Domain of your blog(dot)comAnd alone http://YourBlogDomain(dot)com. Both URLs should redirect to the blog’s main domain.

Now, once a site meets 23 out of 25 requirements, it will have achieved a Google rating of 88% and there are only two requirements left. You can see compliance with the requirement with a tool I use called “Small SEO Tools”, you may want to find this in your browser and use the SEO Score Checker. From there, just do some editing and make sure your Blog meets the 23 requirements.

The last 12% for a 100% Google rating is made up of domain and page authority. Increasing a site’s domain and page authority requires a lot of useful content, but more importantly, it takes time. Time is the only secret ingredient of success, because time is what builds knowledge.

domain authority – Domain authority can be increased by making sure all pages and posts have content longer than 1000 words, with a maximum of 2000 words. Google loves new and interesting content, which is why blogs are more preferred among successful affiliate marketers. Try including your Anchor Text within your page and post content. Anchor text is the text your visitor is most likely to enter into their browser to search for a specific product or information.

page authority – The authority of the page will increase with the presence of high-quality comments and back-links. That is why it is highly recommended to make sure that comments need to be reviewed by the webmaster first. Spam blocking plugins usually do this automatically.

One manual way to ensure high-quality backlinks is to physically test every email address and URL shared by the visitor comment. You should never blindly accept all feedback, it can do more harm than good. If any of these links don’t work, it will just be another broken link pointing to your blog and your Google rating will drop.

It is best to also use an SEO plugin like “All in One SEO Pack” which can be easily installed from within the Blog c-Panel. Plugins are some of the best tools to rank quickly. Hide affiliate links and much more. Affiliate links can be hidden so that they point to the main domain of the blog.

That way, sites like Facebook won’t flag, block, or ban the link you share in your posts. But that is a topic for another time.

Wishing you prosperity,

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