
How to clean beverage dispensers

Beverage dispensers need to be cleaned regularly like all other food and beverage containers. If you use them for drinks other than water and don’t clean them, the drink you dispense will start to taste different after a while. Also, there could be acid build-up and traces of previous use. The dangers of bacteria and other contaminants are also another risk factor that should encourage you to sanitize your beverage dispensers.

It is recommended that beverage dispensers be cleaned after every fluid change, or after every four to six weeks of continuous use.

Here are quick and easy steps to clean your dispensers:

You will need rubber gloves, bleach, hot or tap water, and a clean sponge or scouring pad.

1. If you are using a mechanical or electric beverage dispenser, be sure to unplug it and remove all non-waterproof parts that do not need to be washed or cleaned. Some dispensers only require the tanks or containers to be removed for cleaning.

2. Mix one tablespoon of bleach for every gallon of water you will use. Bleach is more effective than just soap and water, as it removes more contaminants and bacteria.

3. Make sure to put on the rubber gloves to protect your hands. Take a sponge or scouring pad and use it to clean the dispenser with the bleach solution you just mixed. Avoid the use of abrasive materials such as steel wool to avoid scratching the dispenser.

4. Let the solution sit for five minutes before washing it off with water.

5. Repeat the same process for other parts, including the spigot or valve, if they are removable. Use Q-Tips or a thin stick wrapped in a cloth to get into tight spots. Use hot water to rinse.

6. Continuously run the dispenser through water three or four times until there is no more suds or bleach solution left on its surface. This ensures that the dispenser is thoroughly clean and non-toxic for future use.

7. Use a clean, soft cloth to remove moisture or allow it to dry naturally before using the beverage dispenser again.

Beverage dispensers that have electrical parts can be cleaned simply by dusting or wiping the parts with a dry cloth. Again, make sure all parts are unplugged to avoid accidents and electrocutions.

Some beverage dispensers can be cleaned in the dishwasher, but it’s always a good idea to clean them yourself to make sure you’ve gone through all the spots and other places that are hard to reach.

This is also a good time to see if anything seems wrong, like wires that are exposed or pieces of metal that are badly dented or rusted. If these can’t be easily cleaned or repaired, it’s probably time to get a new dispenser.

It is important to keep beverage dispensers hygienic to avoid cases of poisoning or other bacterial ailments. Cleaning also preserves the quality of your dispenser, so you can use it for many years to come.

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