Health Fitness

Candied yams: What is behind the controversy of this side dish?

Candied yams have long been a favorite holiday side dish. They have a reputation for adding the festive scents, flavor and atmosphere to any holiday table. But now they are becoming more popular throughout the year due to many factors. For example, the growing season is longer, storage procedures are better, which helps keep costs down for the consumer, and imports from other countries increase. All of these factors help make yams available year-round in most areas of the country.

So with all these factors at work, these tasty recipes are gaining in popularity and are being served on more tables than ever before. Another reason is the Internet, where people can find a large number of recipes, cookbooks and videos on how to prepare candied yam recipes.

The dilemma comes mainly from health experts who looked the other way when people consumed this dish during the holiday months. But now that they are consumed more frequently, a growing number of health experts are putting their foot in the way traditional recipes are prepared. Although tasty, the traditional dish is loaded with calories. For example high amounts of sugar, butter and salt.

The answer to this growing controversy comes from a growing army of health food experts who have tried alternative ingredients. These alternative ingredients help add a healthy element to recipes while maintaining the flavor we all love and appreciate.

1. Agave nectar can be purchased at most health food stores. It is 1 to 2 times sweeter than granulated sugar without the negatives. The result, you can use less to get the same amount of flavor as sugar.

2. Orange juice can also be used to add a healthy element to this recipe. The vitamin C content combined with the natural sweetness can replace granulated sugar.

3. Walnuts can also be used to add an interesting, healthy crunch to candied yams. Walnuts and other soft winter nuts can be used to add a natural sweet element in place of sugar.

4. Organic cold-pressed coconut oil is recommended as a substitute for butter. Note: Not all coconut oils are the same. Make sure Organic Cold Pressed is on the label.

5. Raisins are another item that many health experts recommend for their health benefits and also help sweeten the dish without the need for processed sugar.

All of these tips are helping defuse the honest yams controversy for more and more people. Try them in your next candied sweet potato recipe for a healthy twist.

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