
Juicing for Hypothyroidism: Which Foods Should You Juice and Which Should You Avoid?

Hypothyroidism is a common condition that many people suffer from, but juicing for hypothyroidism helps relieve symptoms naturally without the need for prescription medications.

Hypothyroidism refers to a condition in which the thyroid gland produces fewer hormones than it should. These hormones travel throughout the body to regulate processes such as metabolism, growth, body temperature, heart rate, and muscle strength. It is important to keep your thyroid healthy, because otherwise your body will stop working properly.

To determine which foods are good for your thyroid and which are bad, it’s important to understand why there are certain foods you should avoid, especially if you’ve already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

Specific foods contain something known as goitrogens, which interfere with the body’s absorption of iodine. Since the thyroid gland relies on iodine to function properly, goitrogens suppress proper thyroid function, which can lead to enlargement of the gland (consequently known as a goiter) and inhibition of hormone production.

Although it is not necessary to completely eliminate all foods that contain goitrogens, it is important to know what they are to avoid overeating them. Some common foods that contain goitrogens are:

Vegetables: soybeans, pine nuts and peanuts.

Fruit: Strawberries, pears and peaches.

Vegetables: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, turnip greens, and mustard greens.

An exceptionally high source of goitrogens is soy, so it’s important to make sure you limit your soy intake to very little.

A key point to remember is that if you haven’t been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and don’t suspect that you have it, you can safely eat these foods without increasing your risk of developing a thyroid disorder. If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you can reduce the amount of goitrogens you eat from these foods by cooking them. High heat helps reduce the amount of goitrogens in each serving.

The foods that are most beneficial for the well-being of the thyroid gland are those that are high in vitamin A, vitamin B, iron, and antioxidants.

There are many different varieties of juices for thyroid health. You can create vegetable juices, fruit juices, or a combination of both, as long as you avoid foods that are high in goitrogens. Vegetable juices for hypothyroidism are especially beneficial because they have less sugar and fewer calories than fruit juices.

A simple and healthy vegetable juice that you can make consists of only 4 ingredients:

3 carrots

2 stalks of celery

½ cup of parsley

2 cups romaine lettuce or dandelion greens

While vegetable juice is beneficial due to its tendency to be low in calories and low in carbohydrates, those who are new to juicing may find the juice too bitter to drink. In this case, fruit juices for hypothyroidism are an alternative. A healthy, low-goitrogen fruit juice can be made with three simple ingredients:

3 apples

½ lemon

1 inch of ginger

Both vegetable juice and fruit juice can help counteract the symptoms of an underactive thyroid if you can avoid foods that are high in goitrogens. If you can pack vegetables and fruits into one drink, you can get the best of both worlds.

. ½ cup dandelion leaves

3 sprigs of parsley

2 stalks of celery

3 carrots

½ cucumber

2 apples

2 kiwis

½ lemon

Packed with tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this low-goitrogenic drink helps cleanse the body while providing the thyroid with the nutrients it needs to return to a proper state.

Being aware of the goitrogen-rich foods to avoid (as well as knowing what goitrogens are and how they affect your thyroid) is the first step to treating hypothyroidism naturally.

With dedication, you can change your diet to include only those foods that will benefit your overall health. Although hypothyroidism tends to be a lifelong disorder, you can avoid costly medications and frequent trips to the doctor’s office by treating it naturally with juicing.

By following this regimen, you can relieve and almost completely reverse the symptoms of an underactive thyroid. Although juicing for hypothyroidism is not a complete alternative to medical care, this lifestyle will allow you to be happier and healthier, without the need for pharmaceuticals.

If you want to know what are the health benefits of juicing, visit here.

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