
Swarovski Chandeliers – Visual Spectacles by the Dozen

There isn’t a soul on this planet that would debate the fact that crystal chandeliers are beautiful. Although many people prefer not to use a chandelier to illuminate their home or office, they will not be able to refute the truth that a chandelier adds immense aesthetic value to the room it decorates. Crystal chandeliers have been popular for a long time; and from the earlier version of vintage chandeliers to the modern version of patterned luminous crystal assets, they have come a long way. These chandeliers are available in a variety of different types of crystals. However, there is nothing more popular and more striking in its aesthetic beauty than rhinestone crystal chandeliers made by Swarovski.

The strass crystal variety is without a doubt the finest and finest crystal known to mankind. These crystals are machine cut from their raw form and then polished by hand. A clear coating of remarkable optical quality envelops these crystals on their top surface, giving them a brilliant and beautiful hue. The shimmering beauty of these Swarovski Strass crystals is used extensively in a number of designs for the esteemed Swarovski Crystal Palace collection. The company began manufacturing these Swarovski chandeliers in 2002. Several renowned designers from around the world came together to create inimitable designs for the collection of Swarovski crystal rhinestone chandeliers.

For example, the famous contemporary designer Ferrucio Laviani came up with a striking design in 2005 which he called “Yoga”. This design integrated one hundred pieces of pastel colored crystals encapsulated in a gold frame with an ornate design. The shape of this amazing lighting piece resembled that of a top and it came equipped with a series of halogen bulbs that created a shimmering glow that reflected off the glass surfaces. Chris Levine, another renowned chandelier designer, created the “Vertigo” which recreated the taste of Victorian ballroom chandeliers. The piece was designed with a variety of laser lights creating a visual spectacle that can only be found in the Swarovski chandelier collection.

Bruno Basso teamed up with fellow fashion designer Christopher Brooke to design the revolutionary “Science and Fiction” in 2006. The design pattern followed the famous Marie-Therese design that was first established by an Austrian empress in the century XVIII. The design has multiple candle arms that extend out and give the piece an antique look. Then there is the Swarovski Chandeliers “Mediterranean” design created by Gaetano Pesce in 2006 that integrates 87 Swarovski Strass crystals with LED lamps that change color and also the lighting pattern at intervals.

Modern chandeliers and especially Swarovski chandeliers that use the special Strass crystal are not the usual chandeliers of the 17th and 18th centuries. Swarovski takes care to regularly introduce new designs that are fresh and wonderful recreations of old traditions. Designers are creating delightful new designs and you are sure to find a chandelier to match your room decor. He won’t want to miss out on these wonderful light fixtures that make his normal room look so different. And, when you shop for crystal chandeliers, you can swear by Swarovski’s gorgeous chandelier designs as they are the best on the market.

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