Lifestyle Fashion

Keep Your Makeup Game Strong: Include These 10 Things In Your Vanity Box

Do you know what the best part of being a woman is besides being able to reproduce a new life? Makeup, and it sure is every woman’s first love. Being a man, I never had this opportunity to take those long hours improving my appearance and feeling so beautiful about it, but surely with the look on my daughter’s face I know how special makeup is for women.

Taking inspiration from my daughter, I am writing this article containing information on the top 10 things a woman should include in her vanity to keep her makeup game really sharp.

1. primerTip: If anyone ever tells you that foundation isn’t that important in your bag, tell them to go back to their makeup guide. The reason primer should always make it to your vanity is because it will help your makeup blend on smoothly and increase its longevity. However, when choosing a primer, be sure to keep your skin type in mind. If you have dry skin, something moisturizing and illuminating, while if you have oily skin with open pores, choose a primer with a matte texture.

two. BB Cream / Foundation: If you have to keep your makeup game strong, choose a beauty balm (BB) cream that matches your skin complexion. This can be used to avoid heavy foundations. In general, they are a good way to allow your skin to get used to the feeling of wearing makeup.

3. Concealer: No blemishes for you beautiful women – make sure you always have your concealer in your box or bag. Also, if you have discomfort under your skin, a concealer should be good for you.

Four. Blush: When applied correctly, blush can be one thing for an entire look. The best way to choose a blush is to match it to your skin type. Tip: More peachy tones tend to look best on people with warm skin, while rosy tones flatter those with cool skin.

5. Highlighter pen: Highlighters are light, shimmery champagne or gold powders or liquids that make your face light up and are perfect for day or night. You don’t have to apply too much, just a brush should suffice for the look.

6. Eyebrow pencil: Always!!! Make sure you have your brow pencil handy to give your brows the perfect look anytime you need it. A unique makeup accessory for all types, the eyebrow pencil specifically highlights the forehead, so choose an appropriate one.

7. Liquid or gel eyeliner: Perfect eyes make the perfect impression, so it’s best to have a liquid or gel eyeliner on hand almost whenever you need it. Choose an eyeliner that lasts longer and won’t simply smear with sweat and the heat of the day.

8. Mask: It’s amazing what long, thick lashes can do for your face. Applying a few generous coats of mascara to the top and bottom will open up your eyes a bit more, making them appear a little brighter and sparkler.

9. lipstick: Women never leave the house without lipstick, even if it’s just a light coat, and this is great practice. If you’re looking for something that should complete your look, it’s the perfect shade of lipstick applied correctly. It is best to have two shades on hand in the bag, red and nude, the complete look.

10 lip gloss / balm: Chapped lips please none! Keep a lip gloss or lip balm on hand year-round because you can’t do without either.

I tell you that being a woman is a gift: you are beautiful and you are always ready. A little bit of makeup just completes your overall look and if you can do it all with a smile, girl, you are winning hearts.

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