Lifestyle Fashion

Little motivation? Blame your brain chemistry and control your nutritional deficiencies

If you notice some irregular patterns in your behavior or mood, such as low motivation, low energy, apathy, depression, or irritability, some probable problems may come down to disturbances in the body and its functions. In the context of cognitive functioning, nutritional deficiencies or excess can cause an imbalance in the body that generally affects brain chemistry. Please refer to this list as a getting started guide to understand what those issues might be. Be sure to consult a healthcare professional for further guidance.

Symptoms of nutritional deficiencies

  • Loss of motor activity and control.
  • Depression
  • Confusion and memory problems.
  • addictive behaviors
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • unnecessary cravings
  • irregular compulsions
  • Poor concentration and attention, concentration difficulties
  • Manifestations of anxiety, paranoia or hyperactivity.
  • Tendency to gain weight easily.
  • Lack of drive and enthusiasm.
  • Feeling low on mental or physical energy.
  • cold hands and feet
  • Taking too much effort to perform a task
  • The need for excess caffeine, fizzy drinks, energy drinks, sugar, cocaine, or any source that makes you more alert
  • Feelings listless, flat, or easily bored.
  • intellectual disabilities

Common nutritional deficiencies that can alter brain chemistry and motivation levels

  • protein
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6/Riboflavin, Niacin, etc.)
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Chrome
  • Selenium
  • Molybdenum
  • Copper

Other probable causes

  • Genetic structures: Traits that originate biochemically and are passed down through families can transfer cognitive disabilities, which can affect the maintenance of normal dopamine levels.
  • Thyroid malfunction: Disturbances in the glands and involuntary secretions can change dopamine levels to lower or higher levels than normal.
  • Hypoglycemia: Decreased blood sugar levels upset the balance of dopamine.
  • Malabsorption problems: When nutrients are not properly absorbed into the blood and cannot be used by vital organs through food intake, this causes an imbalance in dopamine levels and its functions.
  • Excessive amounts of manganese: High concentrations of the mineral can cause damage to dopamine-producing neurons. Appropriate dosages should be reviewed prior to ingestion.
  • Alcohol: The consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs normal functioning.
  • Stir-fried foods: This causes the absence of the necessary nutrients that the brain must use.
  • Poor diet (Junk food) / Foods high in saturated fats: Every gram of fat that goes over your daily limit is stored as glucose in your body, increasing your risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and other metabolic problems. These health problems decrease the activation of areas in the brain that affect your motivation and reward system.
  • Sugar and simple (refined) carbohydrates: Empty calorie foods do not provide enough micronutrients for the brain to use.
  • Testosterone deficiency: Low testosterone levels can inhibit dopamine production and may contribute to the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Use of steroids and oral contraceptives: Any medication that alters hormone levels will affect general cognitive function.
  • Tuxedo: In every way, it is a threat to general health, especially to the brain and lungs, and then to the skin, as addiction causes major alterations in chemical levels.
  • Wheat gluten sensitivity or allergies in general
  • Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, inactive lifestyle habits with excessive eating, binge eating or involvement in eating disorders
  • Stress
  • antidepressants
  • Excessive caffeine intake per day.
  • poor sleeping clothes
  • drugs abuse

How to Restore the Balance of Body and Brain Chemistry

Consider a proper diet (based on your nutritional type) and natural/herbal supplements, plus a balanced, stress-free lifestyle. Consult your nutritionist, physician, herbalist, and fitness trainer for suggestions and a detailed plan.

Best wishes for your health and happiness!

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