Health Fitness

Natural Asthma Relief – Apple Cider Vinegar

A natural asthma reliever comes in the form of apple cider vinegar. Known as the “wonder medicine,” apple cider vinegar has been used since ancient times to cure ailments. It has been used to aid and promote a variety of health benefits, including promoting longevity! And if you suffer from asthma, regular intake will help you feel much better.

Just take a tablespoon every day and you’ll reap all the health benefits that come with it. If you don’t like the taste, you can place the spoon right in the back of your mouth, past the taste buds, and swallow quickly. Otherwise, you can mix it with a glass of water and a little lemon to mask the taste. Usually after a few days you will get used to the taste and may even begin to enjoy the acquired taste.

Another way to take it is by heating it slightly and taking it with a little honey. Make sure you heat it on the stove and not in the microwave, as this will change its molecular structure and make it less effective. Don’t overheat it, just warm it slightly with a bit of honey to make it more palatable. This will soothe your throat and bronchial tubes, and prevent throat irritation that causes the unpleasant cough that accompanies asthma.

By taking this regularly, you will see your health improve drastically. Whenever you feel an asthma attack coming on, take a tablespoon mixed with water and drink slowly. You will find that the wheezing will decrease considerably. If it doesn’t stop, take another tablespoon with another glass of water and take a deep breath. Apple cider vinegar contains a potent supply of potassium that can help relieve symptoms like a runny nose, sinus congestion, excessive mucus formation, and watery eyes. You will find that it will clear your airways.

However, natural remedies for asthma relief can only do so much for you, if you don’t get rid of the cause of asthma itself. If it’s work-related asthma due to stress, you may need to find long-term alternative jobs. So many people suffer from asthma that it is becoming quite an alarming disease for society. We have to take preventive measures to put an end to this.

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