
see with dove eyes

The purpose of both creation and redemption is so that we can have an intimate relationship with Jesus. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a book in the Bible that represents this. That book is the Song of Songs. It’s probably based on a true story. A young Shulamite woman worked in Solomon’s vineyards, and one day they saw each other. It was love at first sight. From that moment it was no longer the work but the King himself who was his passion and focus in life.

This beautiful book describes the deep and intimate feelings of love they had for each other. It uses words and expressions that we can use when we think about our relationship with Jesus, just as we sometimes use the language of the Psalms when we pray.

dove eyes

One of the things that the King says to his beloved is: ‘You have dove eyes’ (Sol.1:15). Dove’s eyes have fixed field focus; they can only focus on one thing at a time. It’s usually her partner! Once a pigeon sees something or someone that catches her attention, her eyes are trained on that object. She is not distracted from this focal point.

Solomon repeats this phrase in chapter 4:1: You have dove eyes. And then later he says: ‘You have enraptured my heart with one look from your eyes’ (Sol.4:9). Think about that for a moment. Jesus is overwhelmed with emotion by a believer or church momentarily looking at him. Just one look in his direction fills him with joy! So what about a church that is totally focused on Christ? Imagine a church that only sings about Jesus, only preaches about him, always depends on him with the simplicity and faith of a child, and has a consuming desire to know him more and make him known?

This is a picture of the glorious Church as portrayed by the Shulamite. In the same way that a dove fixes its gaze on its partner with binocular vision, undistracted by what is happening on the sidelines, so we want to keep our focus on Jesus. It’s about him.

Winds of Doctrine

Looking back over several decades of my Christian life, I see an unmistakable pattern in the Church. Periodically a new wind of doctrine will blow and capture the attention of multitudes. They will run like a herd in the direction of this latest doctrine, phenomenon, or ministry emphasis. Then another wind will blow and everyone will hook into that fashion and run in that direction until the momentum dies and the next wind blows.

I confess that I too used to jump on the bandwagon and get caught up with all the ‘latest and greatest’ going on in the Church scene. But now, when something new is in style, I simply ask: Is it focused on Jesus? Will he teach me more about the riches of his grace? Will it help me get to know him more intimately? If not, he doesn’t interest me. I have eyes only for him.

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