Health Fitness

How to have a flat stomach in 12 weeks!

It doesn’t matter what everyone else does or doesn’t do to get a flat stomach because I’m going to show you what YOU should do if you really want to get sexy, flat abs in 12 weeks.

Before you get too excited about the fact that you could have flat abs in just 12 weeks, I must warn you that the results are highly individual. An overweight person with a 38-inch waist can lose 4-5 inches in 12 weeks, which does not mean that person has a flat stomach. Instead he will lose 4-5 inches, and if the person continues to follow the system, he will become super skinny in a very short period of time.

Let me take you on a brief journey into the world of fast and effective fat loss where the dirtiest yet most popular fat loss myths will finally be revealed.

— Doing thousands of crunches every day will never give you a flat stomach.

You can cry and break down doing thousands of sit-ups every day, but you’ll never see those strong, muscular abs if you don’t get rid of the fat that hangs around your belly. To shed this fat, you must lose fat from all over your body. As you continue to lose body fat, your abs will start to reveal themselves in the form of a six pack for men or really sexy abs for women.

— Spending hours on the Cardio machine is a waste of time for fat loss.

If you were already aware of the fact that you need to lose total body fat to get a flat stomach, then you probably would have started spending too much time on the cardio machines in hopes of burning more calories, as shown on the digital meter on the treadmill. . or stationary bike.

Well let me tell you right now that slow and boring cardio is really boring and a real waste of time. Have you noticed that overweight people at the gym are always near the cardio machines while lean, ripped people spend their time in the free weights section?

If you want to have a flat stomach, you need to build muscle. The more muscle you build on your body, the harder your body will work to maintain that muscle while repairing damaged muscle tissue from the most recent workout. This causes your body to burn a lot of calories for energy and fuel.

And this is where the original golden rule applies.

Calories out more than calories in = Fat loss.

If you build muscle the right way by performing compound muscle-building exercises like Chest Presses, Rows, Squats, Deadlifts, Chin-ups, and Chin-ups performing 3-4 sets of each exercise to muscle failure, you’ll be well on your way to getting a ripped belly. flat in a very short time.

— Eating too little to lose more weight is a BIG MISTAKE!

This is by far the most popular and legendary myth of all time. Eating too little to lose weight only works in the short term and leads to double the fat gain in the long term. This is truly a huge misconception and I am going to shatter this truth and state (with thousands of supporting experts) that the best way to get a flat stomach is to eat 5-6 short meals a day with two servings of high fiber carbs, a handful of healthy fats like almonds and a serving of lean protein at each meal.

To lose weight, you should eat between 1,500 and 2,000 calories a day, depending on your weight and gender. In short, you should eat 500 calories below your maintenance level every day until you reduce your total body fat to the level you want. If you want to get a flat stomach and see your perfect abs, you need to have at least 9% body fat for men and 14% for women.

Keep following this plan and you’ll be well on your way to a flat stomach in just a few weeks!

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