
Success Quote – “Because the love of money is the root of all evil” – Timothy 6:10

There is another version of this famous “money is the root of all evil” quote that has been around since about AD 1000. It is quite different from the original New Testament quote. The original version could be considered a successful quote. The new version of the quote can block your success.

There is only a small change to the most recent version of the original hit quote, but that small change is of enormous importance! Eliminating the world love it reflects a whole set of cultural conditioning that many people fall victim to on their journey to success. In fact, this conditioning is so ubiquitous that you probably have it too.

They may have bought you with the belief that money is bad, the rich are bad, making money is bad, being poor is good, noble, dignified … Your parents or another important person in your life may have transmitted beliefs Similar. to you directly, through your attitudes towards people and events or in some other way. Or you may have acquired these beliefs at school, from your friends, or from your culture.

However, it happened, if you think money or making money is bad, you will have a hard time succeeding with money!

The key to success: the problem is not money

Stop and think about it for a moment. How can money be “the root of all evil”? Money itself is passive, it is the system by which we exchange value: you exchange the value of your work and experience for money and then exchange the money you earn for things you value: food, clothes, a house, etc. .

The key to success is realizing that the problem is your attitude towards money and the way you acquire and use money. The original New Testament hit quote says it much more eloquently: “The love money is the root of all evil. “

The desires we all have towards money and earning money can be bad for us and our society. Greed, greed, greed, status consciousness … Money can make humans do a lot of bad things.

Believing that money is the root of all evil is one way to protect yourself from being a victim of these emotions. However, as you’ve seen, it can have some pretty serious side effects. Such a belief can cause you to reject money and regard people who earn a lot of money as morally inferior. And those beliefs will limit your ability to earn money.

Success Quote: Evaluate Your Attitude Toward Money

You must consider the original purpose of money, as a symbol to exchange for value. The money obtained by giving fair value in terms of goods or services is a fair exchange that is recognized by all of society.

Many people who earn a lot of money, and you should aspire to be one of these people, use a large proportion of your money to benefit other people. There is a long tradition of philanthropy, famous self-made billionaires like Andrew Carnegie and more recently Bill Gates have donated much of their income to help others.

If you find that your ability to earn money is limited by negative beliefs about money, you should reflect on the success quote “love of money is the root of all evil” and make sure your attitude towards money is aligned with it. positive good that money can achieve in this world. Once you have the right attitude and really believe in it, negative beliefs about money will disappear like ghosts in the sunlight!

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