
The law of attraction has a sense of humor

Throughout my life I have experienced and used The Law of Attraction. o Demonstration many times to try to bring things into my life or solve problems. Using the power of prayer, visualization, meditation, and a host of other techniques, I have tried to solve relationship problems, financial difficulties, and even gotten into trouble to see if I could achieve the desired result. Sometimes the stakes were high, such as when trying to manifest cold cash to prevent lights out. Other times it was just for fun, as an experiment to see if I could bring an old girlfriend back into my life or to get all the green lights on the way to work.

I’ll tell you that while I’m sitting here writing I don’t think there has ever been a time when I haven’t seen some type of change through the use of the Law of Attraction. Many times the results were exactly what I had desired and other times the results were almost comical in how the circumstances unfolded, but each time there was a manifestation in some form of what I had envisioned.

I recently tried using the Law of Attraction to manifest more sales. and increase my income. My goal was to reach a very modest dollar amount, so I visualized that dollar amount in my checking account. I tried to make it as real as possible as I pondered receiving the check with the desired amount written on it and tried to go one step further.

As a seller, I know that statistically about one in four customers I talk to on the phone ends up resulting in a sale. Soon my analytical mind went to work calculating how many customers I needed to talk to each day to reach that sales goal. It seemed a bit overwhelming, but the cold, hard math and statistics just made sense to me and I continued my daily visualizations as I prepared myself to receive the desired income while wondering where all these customers were coming from and how I was going to do it. manage all those phone calls. I knew my boss would be happy with my call stats, at least!

This is where the fun part comes in. Now, you may be wondering if I have reached my sales goal. The answer is no, but I have reached the desired number of calls! Due to some kind of crazy fluke in our phone system at work, I started receiving an astronomical number of phone calls that, added together, would have allowed me to reach my sales goal. Of course, most of them were from fax machines.

I laugh now and see this as a learning experience. Many of you might think that it was just a random coincidence that all of this played out the way it did, but I have little doubt that the Universe heard my request for a certain number of phone calls that should have resulted in the desired number. sales and responded. The problem was not with the universal Law of Attraction, it was with me and my approach. In a way, I put the Law of Attraction in a box and I was a little too limited in my thoughts about what I could do or how this money could get to me. He gave me what I wanted and stated what I had asked for and what he believed could actually happen instead of just letting it go and allowing the details to work themselves out.

I’m still laughing but, for me, This is just another in a series of experiences that I have had that prove to me that the Law of Attraction does work and that I get what I ask for and what I believe. The problem is going to be opening my limited mind to the possibility of what I think is possible.

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