
The universal laws of nature – Turn chaos into order – Anytime

There are five unique but interconnected laws that describe and define the creation, maintenance, and transformation of all life. To know, really know, these laws require you to go beyond the conventions of your culture and gain a broader perspective. There is no chaos, there is only one circumstance that we cannot understand. These universal laws take you a long way toward the understanding you may be seeking.

The fifth law. The law of one and many.

There is a universe and many religions that describe it. There is a spirit within you and many ego personalities that express it. There is a leader in any organization and many people who are employed to manifest it. There is a love in the human heart and many emotions that come to express it. There is only one humanity on earth and many diverse cultures that fragment their uniqueness to celebrate it.

There is a sun in our sky and many planets that obey it. There is a government in our country and many laws to govern it. There is an ocean on our planet and many rivers to feed it. There is a land and many mountains to divide it. There is a creation and many people to evolve it. We live under an umbrella. We can climb to the top of one pile, only to find that we are now at the bottom of the next one. We are always humble before the law of the one and the many.

You have many characters. Many ego identities. Some you hide, others you display. Characters you play If you add the characters you hide, to the characters you show, to the characters you live in virtual reality, to the characters you voice in reality, you will find that you are the one. We are the sum of the parts, and the sum of the parts is one. We are not different from anyone. We are all the same. Uniquely expressed in the way we demo our snippets, but completely identical if we add those parts together to become one.

The ego thinks it is the one, but it is a mere fragment. Emotion. The ego thinks that it is separate from others and therefore unique. The ego thinks it can change but it can’t. The ego is a fragment, the spirit is the whole. Spirituality is knowing that you are a whole, a whole being with many fragmented parts. Each of them incomplete, each of them lovable.

The fourth law. The law of appreciation

What you appreciate gets bigger, what you don’t appreciate gets smaller. Appreciation builds, evolves and creates harmony. Lack of appreciation motivates self-consciousness, self-depreciation, and self-destruction. There is nothing to change, just something to appreciate. You cannot change, you can only appreciate yourself as you are. Appreciation is an attractive force, depreciation is a repulsive force.

From the perspective of the one, we see ourselves as many parts. Pain and self-awareness make us lose perspective of the one and fall into the many parts. So, we can’t appreciate what we are, we try to change it. Anything we try to change has power over us, anything we appreciate we have power over. If you appreciate the defects of your lovers, they are not defects but beautiful goods. If you criticize and try to change someone, you are below them, they have power over you.

You are not to blame. You are not broken. Neither the world nor your lover. There is something you may not appreciate. The problem is not in the thing, the problem is in your inability to appreciate that thing. Once you appreciate things, they no longer have power over you. You are free. This is the talent of a great lover. And the talent of the greatest gods. They appreciate you.

The third law. the law of abundance

There is nothing missing. It just changes shape. You have all the character traits, some you express at work, some at home, some in VR, and some in reality. You are everything you see and everything you dream of. Nothing is missing in you or your beloved. Your judgments are false, they are your ego.

Separating yourself from others means that you can criticize and blame them. But there is no them, there is no you. You are all you see, no one outside of you is doing more to you than you do to yourself. You are not unique. You are, like everyone else. You have all the traits, all the characteristics. The illusion tells you that you can change or be different. Maybe you think that you can be better than others, but only with this thought you show that it is false. You are everything and you are connected to everything.

There are five elements, ether, air, fire, water and earth. The entire universe is made of these five elements. You too. There are varying degrees of each and this causes individual differences. But they are a soup. They are just energy in different states, different forms, you have them all, to varying degrees. You are, like the universe, complete. Matter that evolves from earth to ether. Nothing is ever missing, it just changes shape. We are all shy. Some at work, some at home, some regarding money and some regarding change. We are all shy, nothing is missing.

The second law. The law of growth.

Chaos causes change. Chaos stimulates challenge and confronts the status quo. Chaos breaks deadlocks and promotes change. Order, on the other hand, makes us rest, gives us time to absorb and digest, to assimilate everything, to master our space, to become good at what we do.

Too much order and we stagnate. Too much chaos and we get burned. Growth occurs at the border between the two. The purpose of love is growth. Love is both chaos and order. Growth means turning chaos into order. Chaos is what we don’t appreciate. Therefore, growth means turning the things we don’t like into those we do like. This is how we get more love. We take what we don’t appreciate (called chaos) and turn it into things we appreciate (called order).

In a relationship there is a perfect balance between support and challenge. The challenge is chaos (things we don’t appreciate) and the support is order (things we appreciate). When we first meet our lover, there are more things we appreciate than we don’t. This is called infatuation. After a while there may be more things we don’t appreciate (challenges) than we do appreciate (support). Then our partner bothers us and we want to leave. But the truth is, there is always a perfect balance of support and challenge in life. We were blindsided at first.

The first law. the law of balance

There are two sides to each corner. This is how we turn problems we don’t appreciate into problems we appreciate. How we turn chaos into order. We see the other side of the corner. There is always a ray of light in every cloud. So there are always two ways of looking at things. One way is to see the darkness, the other way is to see the light. The wise person sees both but then focuses his mind on the light. The emotionally disturbed person tries to remove the darkness, thinking that it will go away.

For every thing we move from dark to light, a new balance is created. So the more light we see, the more happiness we have, the more fun, the more peace, then the more darkness, the more sadness, the less fun, the more drama we have. Duality is the cause of excitement, and there can be no high without a down.

Breaking the mold means seeing two sides. For example, in our western culture one could say that laziness is bad. But in Spiritual Culture, laziness can be exactly the same as mindfulness. But contentment. In the West we see inspired and enthusiastic as good, in the Eastern language we could call those same behaviors running away, unable to be in the moment, lacking in stillness. There are two sides to everything. Relabel things you don’t appreciate. Find the blessing in them. They cannot be eradicated, only appreciated.

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