
The untold magic of RSVP

Before you attend another social or business event, you should read this article on the untold magic of RSVP. Not only will it change the way you think about business, but it will also give you perspective and a clear head start towards networking success.

If you’ve ever attended a formal business or social event, chances are you’ll need to fill out an RSVP. RSVP is simply a response from the person(s) who received the invitation to the event. It comes from the French phrase: Respondez S’il Vous Plait (answer as you please). But did you know that an RSVP response is a magical networking tool?

When responding to an RSVP, you must provide the event host/organizer with your contact information, ie: name, company, address, phone, fax, email, website, etc. The host/organizer then uses the information for registration purposes. But most people think that once their information is collected, it is used for that particular event and thrown away. Well, that doesn’t always have to be the case. With her permission, the host/organizer can store her information in their database to use for future reference. This future reference is one of the keys to the success of your business.

The next time you RSVP to an event, keep the following tips in mind:

#1 Please RSVP early so your contact information is well received before the scheduled event.

#2 Make sure the RSVP includes all of your current and correct contact information.

#3 Include a short paragraph from yourself/company/organization along with your RSVP.

#4 Tell the event host/organizer that they can send you information about similar events that are of interest to you based on your profession or industry.

#5 Also let the event host/organizer know that he/she can pass your information on to ideal clients/clients or business partners with your approval should an opportunity present itself.

The host/organizer acts as your new networking partner. He/She becomes a direct link to your target audience while providing resources and information for your networking efforts. It’s a great business connection!

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