Health Fitness

bosu exercises

Bosu ball training engages both the mind and the body. In general, the workout focuses primarily on your upper body, core, and hips, including cardio that will help improve your heart rate.

Starting with a warm up exercise like standing on the bosu balance trainer and slowly shifting your weight from one foot to the other, during this warm up you can use your arms for balance and then keep repeating this on each side. Other warm ups are like triple squats and alternating lunges. In total, warming up will take a maximum of 2-3 minutes.

After completing the warm-up, you can start with lower-body strengthening exercises. You can effectively use the bosu ball for lower body exercises. Lower body strengthening exercise includes jumping squats, power lunges, hip extensions, etc. A typical lunge exercise is good for the legs and glutes, and squats can be done with the dome up or down. The lower body exercise is useful for football players.

Next up is the upper body exercise that includes push ups which will basically strengthen your upper body and arm muscles. Other upper body exercises include the fly swap, one-arm row, and back extension.

Finally, you will work on the basic exercises like full crunch, V-sit, plank, inclines.

While doing all of these exercises, you need to keep your body in proper alignment. It’s normal to move your body for balance, but be sure not to slouch. Slouching can cause problems later in life, so try to avoid bad habits early on.

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