
Do you regret having sex so soon? How women can undo this dating mistake

Do you regret having sex so soon? Do you wish you could have a deal with him? You would forgo early intimacy and instead focus on building an emotional bond with him, right? Unfortunately, life doesn’t offer many second chances, but all hope is not lost with this particular problem. If you’re a woman who slept with a man too soon, you can undo the damage and get the faltering relationship back on track. Stop beating yourself up and start fixing the mess you’ve made.

The main reason why women regret having sex at the beginning of a relationship is that later the behavior and attitude of the guy changes completely. He walks away from her and she ends up feeling used and discarded. If this is exactly what’s going on in your relationship, you’re probably lost. You don’t know what to do and every time you get closer to him, he moves further away. Even though it seems like the connection between the two of you can’t be salvaged, it can.

Before you do anything else, stop talking about what happened. Every time you bring up intimacy, you’re shining a big, undesirable spotlight on your mistake. You’ve probably noticed that he feels completely uncomfortable when you talk about it. That’s because it reminds him that you slept with him very early in the relationship and that may be a pattern for you. As much as we think men want us to be sexually open and ready to explore, they just want us to do that with them. Right now, your guy is probably thinking that whatever you’ve done with him, you’ve done with every other guy you’ve dated in the same period of time. So he stops mentioning it.

Instead, you need to change the entire dynamic of your relationship with him. He’s very focused on intimacy right now. You have to change that. You can do this by focusing more on the aspect of knowing yourself in a general sense rather than the intimate sense. Ask him out and go out with him again. Go to fun places and show him that there is much more to you than he has experienced up to this point. Make him see that you are a dynamic, interesting and complete woman.

For now, keep privacy to a minimum. You don’t want him to see you as someone he can turn to when his desires are pressing. It is much more beneficial for both of you if you connect on an emotional level before revisiting the more intimate side of things.

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