Health Fitness

What is the best gift you can give your soulmate?

One of the best gifts you can give to your soulmate it’s a healthy self esteem. When you feel really comfortable in your own skin and know who you are and where you are going, you really have something to offer someone else. Nobody wants to end up with a ‘leech’, a person who can’t really function without constant affirmation to build their self-esteem.

I once believed that this topic was only relevant to women, but the longer I live, the more I discover that men have the same self-esteem issues, but treat them differently!

In Nathaniel Brandon’s description of self-esteem, he states that “self-esteem as a basic human need, that is, ‘… makes an essential contribution to the process of life’,” … is indispensable for normal self-development and healthy, and has survival value. “Maslow described two types of self-esteem needs, the” need for respect from others and the need for self-respect. “Without self-esteem, the individual feels discouraged, weak, and Lower Self-esteem? Do you get your self-esteem from outside sources that can make you crumble when they do? Where do you get your self-esteem?

This idea of ​​self-esteem relates to our basic need for acceptance and courage. We want to be accepted by others and valued for what we do and who we are. It is very dangerous when a person’s self-esteem comes mainly from what they do and what people think of them. When we compare ourselves to the glamorous models we see in magazines or the sports heroes on our televisions, we will never measure up to what the world seems to value and accept as popular.

Self-esteem is the opinion you have of yourself.

To feel comfortable in your own skin, you need to develop your self-esteem and understand that you are valuable just the way you are. Developing self-esteem is a step towards happiness in life. The fact that we are here on earth and were created to live a life of purpose is precious. We cannot always trust others to validate us. Sometimes we need to take responsibility for increasing our own confidence in ourselves. Self-esteem increases your confidence, which in turn increases your self-respect. When we respect ourselves, we can respect others and improve our soulmate relationships.

Low self-esteem causes depression, unhappiness, insecurity, and low confidence, all of which have a negative effect on our soulmate relationships. When we hear negative ‘self-talk’ it impacts our ability to focus on others in life and causes us to consume ourselves. Choose to focus on the successes in our lives and learn from failure, don’t befriend it and use it as an excuse to do nothing.

Being comfortable in your own skin and having healthy self-esteem is one of the best gifts you can give your soulmate. If you are confident and comfortable with who you are, you will attract that into your life.

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