
Your man: how to prepare him to commit to you

If you’re head over heels in love with a man who’s afraid to take their relationship to a different level than casual dating, you’ve got serious trouble on your hands. There is no doubt that it is frustrating when the man you love does not commit to you. He is also heartbreaking and can raise questions about his own worth and worth. Many women make a conscious decision to end the relationship completely if their man tells them he is not going to change. The thing is, you actually have the power to change your man’s mind. Any woman, once she understands how to appeal to her boy’s heart, can make him yearn for a commitment to her.

Learning how to prepare him to commit to you begins with recognizing that the main reason men hesitate to enter into a serious relationship is because they fear losing their freedom. They imagine that their relationships with their friends will stop. They also anticipate that they will be endlessly teased if they choose to watch football instead of shopping with you. Make it clear to your man that you don’t want him to give up everything for you. The best way to get this point across is to continue to pursue your own interests. He go out with your friends and focus on your hobbies. This will show him that you are not ready to give up your life. If he sees that, he will feel less threatened by having to change his life.

The use of reverse psychology on men has always proven to be very successful. If you want to know how to prepare him to commit to you, think about when you bring up a more serious relationship and what his reaction is. If he normally tells you that he’s just not ready for it and if you press him on the subject, you’ll notice that he naturally responds more forcefully. This is why it is so beneficial to stop pushing it completely. If you suddenly lose all interest in making him your steady boyfriend or husband, he’ll wonder why you’re no longer seeking a commitment with him. He will assume that you are losing interest and instantly pique his interest. Many men have been known to ask the question once they realize their woman has other options.

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